Oct 24, 2005 00:41
Took me a long time and a buncha bullshit and getting FIRED to get my shit straight, but today is the day. I got the call from my supervisor around 7 tonight and I have been promoted to GM at the Dunn Ave. Papa Johns!!!! I'm so fuckin happy. I have worked my ass off since getting rehired and appreciate ever getting a second chance every day I work. We havent talked pay yet but im sure it will be at least $500 a week which is $165 more than Im getting now....BEFORE bonuses.
Thanks to all who stuck by me and backed me up when I needed the support. Thanks to those who got me fired as it kinda FORCED me to grow up and quit fuckin off. I have a great opportunity in this and it will look fantastic on a resume if I do it right. I know exactly how I want the store to run, and have already gained much respect at the store with the crew, but not sure how my former boss, now my delivery driver, will handle taking orders from me. I know I must give respect in order to get respect. Everyone deserves a second chance. I am not willing to put up with the bullshit I have been seeing there and will be hiring aggressivly to compensate for the cpl im sure will quit or get fired in the first 2 weeks.
So here's to a great start in my management career and the future of myself and my family. Thanks again for all your support. I love you all.