What is it with Filipino time?
For a while I've been trying to gauge what it's difference from real time is.
Is it an hour? And hour and thirty? Two?
No matter what I do, leaving allowance for 'filipino time' and all, I still arrive early for it. I just don't get it. There must be some kind of standard set for it, like an hour. that should be good enough.
People say we got it from the spaniards, always arriving fashionably late in order to draw attention to themselves. These days, the excuse is just, "Nobody's there yet."
It's one of those odd local habits that are just too damn hard to change. I'm surprised Filipinos even manage abroad what with Filipino time compared to the rest of the world.
Even Doreen Fernandez was puzzled by this phenomenon. I don't think she figured out how long exactly a delay it was either.
Of course, here I am ranting about it to my puppy, Nemo. This is what she has to say:
The answer?
Forget about it. Sit back and relax. Nicely said, Pup.