Jul 22, 2017 15:07
On remote machine:
Install git on QNAP NAS (challenging but possible). Download binary of git for arm-x19 processors. Use qpkg to install.
Open share, let's say in /share/git.
mkdir /share/git/proj_name
cd /share/git/proj_name
git init
On local-repo machine:
cd proj_name
In .git/config edit the URL in [remote "origin"].
it can be:
url = ssh://user@server/share/git/proj_name/
or just
url = ssh://server/share/git/proj_name/
In last case the changes will be pushed with local user name (may not be existing on remote).
Formal alternative to change the URL of origin is:
git remote set-url origin ssh://server/share/git/proj_name/
git push # finally!
In case of error:
! [remote rejected] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)
use following command in /share/git/proj_name on remote machine:
git config --bool core.bare true
git push # should work now.
для себя,