Feb 01, 2013 16:02
There are complaints over the net that Android (particularly, Ice Cream Sandwich) suffers from periodical launcher hang.
The phenomenon appears as beck screen, or freeze screen, following by message:
Launcher is not responding.
Do you want to close it?
Wait OK
It doesn't matter what you chose. The phone is dead and only battery out/in runs the Launcher again.
It doesn't matter if you chose to use other Launcher with your favorite configuration.
Most of "advises" over the net are "clean cache of the Launcher".
It won't help if you'll clean it. Since after clean you'll try to build all the virtual screens as they were before cleaning. Right?
And if you'll clean cache of other application, uninstall all the junk, remove uninstalled but not wiped applications from memory or SD-card... It won't help.
I've read even advises to "replace an SD-card", to "move all applications to SD-card", "from SD-card" - all these are useless.
Do you know what is a magic recipe to become a rich? This is the same method as "keep health", "control weight", etc.
The universal answer is:
Change yourself!
Seems you have bad habit and the only way is: get rid of it.
In other words, the solution is:
One or more of WIDGETS you're put on the virtual screens is bad.
Yes, may be it's the coolest widget you've ever seen, but it hangs the system.
Firstly, remove all widgets from all virtual screens. Live without widgets 24 hours.
Then add 1 widget per day. Notice when Launcher will start "not responding" again. Last added widget is bad.
Go on until you'll try to get back all the widgets. May be you'll find another buggy beast to be eliminated.
Well, now you have a choice:
1. Live without buggy widgets.
2. Find other widget with similar functionality.
3. Write good widget yourself.
Be happy.
P.S. In my case "bad" widget was "Traffic" by Google.
для себя,