holmestice story is finished! I don't even know how that happened, but I like it a lot and it fits my recipient's request really well. I'm so glad I pushed myself to some of the more unfamiliar items on her list.
Then I found
this picture of Benedict Cumberbatch and and Simon Pegg eating breakfast together. Benedict Cumberbatch is pretty, and I can't stop looking at him. Also, I think I might need to get a twitter account just so I can follow Simon Pegg, who is apparently very amusing.
Then there were more fills at
Avengers comment fic meme I posted on Sunday, and also I found
a much larger commentic meme. So far, I've written two ficlets, one about Steve and one about Maria. No lies, I don't really get Steve, but he sort of makes sense if I pretend he is in Torchwood and unstuck in time. I like writing Maria a lot a lot a lot even though she didn't have much personality in the movie. I can't really fault the film for that -- I don't even know where they would have found space for someone else in the ensemble -- and I'm actually kind of grateful since her characterization is so open. Anyway, since my
holmestice story is done now, I get to pick out more promopts to fill. I also told
yeomanrand I'd figure out what happened to Clint and Natasha in Budapest. The answer to that question is definitely a full length story, so I need to get thinking about it soon so that it doesn't interfere with my
queer_fest deadline.
If you've got Avengers recs, pass them on! I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of fic coming through the main comm right now.