Dec 02, 2004 14:38
TRY THIS- - write ten statements intended towards 10 different people but never told them it was about them, or would never be able to say it to their face or something you wish u would have said, but didn't.
one. Compared to how we are now, 7th grade we were like STRANGERS. Hahah, you introduce me to the best food, people, everything. I cannot thank you enough for all that you do for me and all the great times we have. we’re gonna keep in touch forever and always, and I will miss you more than you could EVERrr know afta 8th grade ;( .I love you so much you sexy thanggg you. Bff, haha our matchin wrist’s, willma and jackigan, im an asian baby, and 2 much more to write.
two. Last year + 6th grade we were like amazingly close, the best of friends, and still are, and I really feel we always will be. We’ve been through some rocky times, but we came out on top and, wow, I love you so much. penn, dying hair, just chilling and knowing that we make like the best pair. myrtle beach was 2 cool <3. thank you sososososo much for always understanding, all the great times and just for always being ther. I love ya so much, we are going to keep close forever and ever. Btf4l hehhhh sneegly :)
three. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Sososososo many amazing times, secrets, talks, everythinnn. We are insane lol. From me breakin my arm to your eating icecream out of the container aint fattening. Hahah as you wrote in my yearbook, bestfriendsforever no matter what. I lovelovelovelove you, you foreigner. x to the hizzO dOctA pePPa gUrL. skiing lol, grow your nails fool! Ahhh thanks for all the memories and putting up w/ me
four. Asiannnnn :)! SO many laugh attacks and aweeesome times. lol we are so random when we’re together and I LOVE it. hahaha thrashers for life. Haahha the socks, with the little raindeer. Not being friends with ____ in 3rd cause of mustache LOL. We haven’t chilled for a while but i really could not live without you, L+L+A+I FOREVERRRR. You bring out my craziness. Lol shpaaa shpaaaaaaa. UR MOM.
five. I have known you forEVER. This past summer was DEFINITELY kickass, OBX, partying at your casa, being INSANE little pyros. Drivin around with your pops hahahahha. I love you so much goddammit. Don’t EVER change I love you exactly the way you are. I love how we both understand eachother like perfectly, and ahhh I just couldn’t live w/out my Cherokee Indian. Hahahahh BFF. Gray bunnies, heck yes!!
six. i love you. known ya since 4th grade and we’ve always been really close. You and your blue eyes hahahha. 6th grade was a blassst. i love you so much and I love that no matter what happens I know we’ll be friends. lol boney, BaByGurL, my moms mask… wow. hahahah we always end up goin back to liking eachother. I can tell you anything and your so fucking stupid/hilariousssss. xxxxxxxxxx hehe
seven. hahahhaha we have the greatest conversations. me trying to convince you that ‘she’ was a bitch and not to like ‘her’ hahah. your so hilarious and fun to be around, hope we stay close in highschool. Hahaha, always telling me that ‘he’ has a small weiner and me sayin that ur really the one I love, not mike hah. that one day at your house. Hahah PARKWOOD! I love youuuuuuuu
eight. met ya in preschool, even though we didn’t go to the same preschool! hahah. I couldn’t live without you, always laughing our asses off. BEST BEST BEST friends in like preschool-3 grade. We’re always gonna be close because I love you so much and am ALWAYZ here. Hahhaha bella of the balla
nine. met you last year, LUVVVVED ya. You’re an amazing person to be around and always get whatever the hell im bitching about. Stay close in highschool and never change. summer was great, me you and murraleee. Heh dorklickerrrrr
ten. we’ve always been close, not necessarily through like school or outside of school, but soccer and CALIFORNIA have kept us real close. oh… and our math troubles lol. I love you so much and just know that im always here. you are SOOOO funny and I have the best times with you, I don’t know how id survive soccer without you. bff
eleven. I just don’t understand how someone could NOT love you. you are HILARRRRIOUS and I have the besst times with you on the bus, I love you so much. You keep life interesting and its so awesome knowing that like we can tell eachother anything and we know itll be kept a secret. Friends forever, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
twelve. Sosososoososooso many good times. I know, with the distance and stuff, its hard, but just know I will always consider you one of my best friends and that im always here for you(and your sis). I don’t know what id do without you. I will never ever forget you. I love you to death. Thinking about all the times we have had makes me so incredibly sad but I LOVE all the memories with you.