(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 01:30

I saw Inkheart this evening...

I haven't read the books even though I've heard of them and I ordered them on Amazon tonight.  It was pretty slow moving at first (even though it didn't have mega back story) and once I realised that it was a kids film, like a proper kids film i really liked it.

Farid was freaking hilarious.  He was the best bit in it... actually that's when it started getting good!! "I don't want to go back to my stinking book!" had me in stiches.  Like... I'm still laughing.  It was just so unexpected. Dustfinger was all emo about how he just wanted to go home, and I expected Farid to be the same... Lollers.

Oh, I just wanted Dustfinger and Mo to have sex.  Really... like I said I havent read the books... and I think I'll read them just for the slash. :p

Snagged from postal152 
anon meme

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I don't think I even have ip logging on...

meme, lollerskates!, film, helen crazy talk

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