
Jul 14, 2008 23:13

I had to call an ambulance on the way home from work for some drunk old man who had collasped and whacked his nose.  There was a LOT of blood.

Ewww.  He was ok though, just needed to be seen to.  I am a hero.  Considering the dude who got there before me hadn't phoned one.  Oh and some polish man kept say. "Broom broom! Neee naw, I called.... no I don't.  They do not... understand... BROOM!" [Direct quote]

I do not freaking believe it's taken me this long to post my piccies from Cardiff!!

In these stones, Horizons sing.....

Type your cut contents here.

Fake!Tardis... I knew it was fake because the sign was WRONG!  Yeah, they didn't think that I would notice... they were wrong.

My dad has many skills, photography is not one of them.  Possibley worst pic of me... ever! But... proof!  I also got a quiz... I felt like a little kid!

All Hail!!
(The other day I was thinking about that suit... and I stopped and panicked for a moment.  I was really crushed as it dawned on me. "How could I have seen The Real Blue Suit when it's in another dimension..." For about 10 seconds I actually thought that the suit was off in another world.   I reeeeaally have to get me a life.  Then of course I was gutted when I really truely realised that it was all just a TV show and not real.  Cry at my life D= )

SHOES!  They're very clean, are they not?  Maybe they've just gone through the washing machine. Is it really wrong and disturbing and gross that a small part of me hopes that his suit wasn't washed?  Yeeah, I think it is too... eeeewwwwzzzz

P-JS! ( excuse the bad lighting)


K-9 Likes to watch.


(Arty, don't you think?)

The Millemium Centre
I found an english translation the welsh part... "Creating truth like glass from the furnace of inspiration..."  then it says in english "In these Stones Horizons sing"   It's absolutely massive!  Just look the people next to it!!

When I was there there were loads of Strawberries on it... I don't know either, something to do with the festival that was about to take place

The Barrage.... The rift took Jonah!!

His Ma's house  (That sign gives me the lulz)

Adipose industry/the building that Spike Captain John Hart pushed Jack off.  Pics rubbish as it was taken from my bedroom window.  Yes... we were that close to it! *squee*

Same building, but at night

Cardiff Castle.

The tower at the castle

I climbed to the top of that... and so did Jack. It was hot

I found them walking past a fish and chip resturant.  There were so many ducks it was unreal!  I love ducks =D
Secret: When I was little I didn't think that they had legs, and swam on the water... magically. I was absolutely fucking gutted when I saw legs moving under the surface.  I cannot put into words how upset I was over such a stupid thing.  I've always adored Ducks XD

I have some more, but i can't be assed.  I found Ianto's door,but didn't realise what it was until I got back *face palm*  My magic step pic is just too rubbish to put up, so i'm not bothering.... (I felt like an idiot taking a pic of a step, i was pretending to take one of the centre... didn't work)

picspam, doctor who, cardiff, things you may not have known earlier

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