Контролируемый снос башен ВТЦ 11.09.2001. - предыстория.

Nov 29, 2019 19:15

Контролируемый снос башен ВТЦ 11.09.2001. - предыстория.

Sadly most have not heard of most of this due to the fact that at the same time back in the US all possible Israeli involvement in 9/11 was quickly deemed "classified for national security" and fully swept under the rug.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

On 9/11 Urban Moving Systems was owned and operated by an Israeli businessman named Dominick Suter. After the 5 men (dancing Israeli's) were arrested on the George Washington Bridge on 9/11, the FBI searched the offices of the supposed company they worked for (Urban Moving Systems) and as part of this questioned Suter, however upon returning shortly after for a 2nd round of questioning they found that Suter had fled back to Israel before he could be questioned any further. Eventually Suter's name even appeared on the May 2002 FBI Suspect List (via PENTTBOM) along with the 19 Sept 11 hijackers and a few other suspected extremists.

According to Vincent Cannistraro (a former CIA chief of operations for counterterrorism), there was speculation inside the FBI that Urban Moving Systems was more then likely a front for an intelligence operation investigating various fund-raising networks that were channeling money to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. On March 15, 2002, Mr Cannistraro claimed that the FBI had concluded that the van's driver (Paul Kurzberg), and his brother (Sivan Kurzberg), were indeed Mossad operatives, who were in America "spying on local Arabs".

Suspicious Activities Involving Israeli Art Students at DEA Facilities
In January, 2001, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Security Programs (IS), began to receive reports of Israeli art students attempting to penetrate several DEA Field Offices in the continental United States. Additionally, there have been reports of Israeli art students visiting the homes of numerous DEA employees. These incidents have occurred since at least the beginning of 2000, and have continued to the present. The number of reported incidents increased in November/December 2000, and has continued to date. These incidents have involved several other law enforcement and Department of Defense agencies, with contacts made at other agencies' facilities and the residences of their employees. Geographically, these incidents are very widespread, ranging from California to Florida. The majority of the incidents have occurred in the southern half of the continental U.S. with the most activity reported in the state of Florida. Since April 2001, the number of reported incidents has declined, however, the geographic spread of the incidents has increased to Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Los Angeles.

11 сентября, 2019, расследование, Желатин, Моссад, 2001, снос, Израиль, фейсбук, ВТЦ, ссылка

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