из комментов по поводу "голографических" Боингов 11 сентября 2001 (ютуб-2014)

Jan 11, 2019 10:18

The Professor2 года назад
...We have hard proof that Israeli defence tech company El-Op, owned by Michael Federmann, was developing holographic cloaking technologies already in the mid-1980s. The system involved mounting transparent screens made of plastics or hardened gelatin (no kidding) upon missiles and then projecting holographic images from the missile onto those screens, and thus make 3D images appear outside the screens to envelop and cloak the missile wrapped inside. What is more, missiles (or any aircraft for that matter) can be equipped with stealth technology, which renders them invisible to radar. This may explain Mr Hall's missing radar data for the "planes" that hit the towers. I've been wondering about Andrew Johnson, whether he's just confused or whether he's working for the other side. The Judy Wood theory of some field-interference-based directed energy weapon destroying the World Trade Center is a total crock as far as I'm concerned. We have more than enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the towers were nuked, and that the two explosions also caused the damage to the other buildings of the WTC complex. How the towers were brought down is in a sense a separate topic from the "planes" issue. We know the "planes" weren't real, for one, but some kind of missiles or drones equipped with warheads as well as stealth and cloaking technologies. There are intersections, of course, between the towers and the "planes", including how the plane-shaped holes were cut open and also the explosions in the basements that were synched-up with the "planes" impacting the towers. Still the combined effect of all that didn't bring down the towers. Despite her DEW theories being wide of the mark, think Judy Wood has done some valuable work, especially with respect to the great Hurricane Erin mystery. I can't say whether the magnetic field variations which Mr Johnson brought up are related to Hurricane Erin, but I'd say that's a distinct possibility. At least we're in a position to prove that technology exists to control the advection of tropical storm systems. The technologies I'm familiar with do not involve any "HAARP"-type technology per se, but again, it's a distinct possibility that something of the kind exists, only that we're not familiar with it. The important point is that Hurricane Erin's bizarre u-turn trajectory could be controlled, and this being so, Erin could have deliberately served ─ and did in fact serve ─ as the great 9/11 vacuum cleaner, sucking the fallout from the World Trade Center out to sea and then transporting it towards Greenland. John Lear's commentary is valuable in that it adds the kind of fine detail that underscores how absurd the official story really is.

11 сентября, 2019, самолёты, Эрин, ютуб, коммент, голограмма, ураган, ссылка

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