Prouty is the type of man we should have as President of the United States... (Рузвельт отравлен...)

Nov 12, 2020 21:26
"""""".........Colonel Fletcher Prouty is the type of man we should have as President of the United States. Just think if our country was led by men like Prouty, how much better a place the World would be. Men with the age, wisdom, humility, ethics and patriotism of Fletcher Prouty should be a hygiene factor, the minimum acceptable traits and qualities to be the leader of the FREE World. ........"""""""
С 15-й минуты: рассказ сына Рузвельта о его интервью со Сталиным в Москве (1950?). Сталин отказывал вдове Рузвельта в посещении Москвы, потому что она отказывала (в апреле 1945) Андрею Громыко в осмотре тела умершего Рузвельта. Вывод: Рузвельт был отравлен... агентами Черчилля.

The censorship exercised by the newspaper editors
The advantages of hemp
Tungsten mining in Vietnam
The garden of eden in the world was Southeast Asia
Saigon was called the Paris of the Orion
It was mindless to destroy a beautiful place like Vietnam
Most likely one of the reasons for the Vietnam war was to get American businesses to replace the French
Is petroleum a fossil fuel?
Generally, no fossils are found below 16,000 feet
The oil depletion allowance
Video: President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)
"It has long been a Kennedy tradition: not to get mad but to get even. I fully realize that
I shall not be able to get even during my first term in office. But during my second term,
you are going to see some important changes" - President Kennedy
Why was Governor Connally in the same car as the President?
Lansdale and Col. Prouty knew each other since 1952
Lansdale was sent to the Philippines in 1952 to overthrow President Elpidio Quirino
And replace him with the new President Ramon Magsaysay
Col. Napoleon Valeriano trained Cuban exiles before the bay of pigs invasion
Valeriano became an American citizen
A million Vietnamese migrated from the North to the South before the war
The US Navy transported 660,000 Vietnamese from the North to the South
330,000 were moved by CIA's airline Civil Air Transport (CAT)
On September 2, 1953, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said "In Indochina, a desperate
struggle is in its eighth year....We are already contributing largely in matériel and money to the
combined efforts of the French and of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia."
Chiang Kai-Shek's presence at the Tehran conference
Article from Parade Magazine, Feb 1986:
Why Stalin Never Forgave Eleanor Roosevelt by Elliott Roosevelt: Page 1, Page 2
The cold war really began before the second world war ended
Our governments do not know how to operate without the threat of war
Report from Iron Mountain by Leonard C. Lewin
New York Times Book Review: Report from Iron Mountain: The Guest Word by Leonard Lewin
The degradation of the infrastructure in the US

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ютуб, США, Оливер Стоун, 2МВ, 1993, конспирология, 2020, Праути, Кеннеди

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