It's like that, and that's the way it is

Nov 14, 2004 19:05

At work yesterday Anthony yelled at Ashleigh and I because we were talking to much. Well that’s what happens when two babblers are put in a room together. The mood was really tense yesterday. Ashleigh is going to quit because she’s moving house to the other side of town. That will suck I’ll miss her. This gross trolleyboy told me he needed to talk to me and he wanted me to meet him straight after work, but I ran in the other direction. Heheee.

Took Gabrielle and Tania to the bottlestore to get alcohol for Jenners. Got to Jens about 7pm. We sat outside around a table full of food. I went home for like 10 minutes to fix my hair then went to get petrol. I talked to the guy there for quite some time then I went to pick Nic and Tim up from Nic’s. Took them to the bottlestore, Tim went in three times because he kept forgetting things. Got back to Jennas sometime before 9pm. More people had arrived and Sarah B was there! With Daryl. Robbie, Craig, Hamish etc and some boys from last weekend turned up. Jenna bought out her ‘hunks’ cards and the guys were real like grossed out haha. Robbie kept setting off fireworks at random times it was really insane. It was a good party though, really good music. The majority of us bused to town and got there around midnight. It was SO SHIT. Like, no one there. Nic left after like 20 minutes and Tim went off with his boy racers. We went to Viaduct, Grail and Bleu, which was okay. Tania and I went up at what time kids? Just after 1am. What grandmas. We were tired and town was shit so go figure.

I went to see Fudges today and had to wait an hour and a half for someone to turn up with a key, which was actually hidden under a rock by the gate the whole time. I was lying on the tabletop jump and Fudge came over and stood next to me for half an hour. We had a one way conversation haha. I ended up riding for three quarters of an hour, she was quite the spaz. The arena was hurting her soles so I took her down the back paddock. We did some jumps. One refusal and an almost refusal. THAT’S WHAT CINDYS DONE TO HER! Jumping was really fun though, besides last weekend I havn’t done it in a while. The jumps were no more than 60cm but it was great. When I was cantering a circle she tripped twice, actually more like stumbled quite badly, but her legs are okay. I groomed her, gave her a small feed then put her out in the paddock. Her new bridle fits beautifully! I oiled it, it looks so good.

I’m going to see Hayley later on tonight. She was a friend from intermediate then high school. Havn’t seen her in a few years so that should be good to catch up! She’s down from Lower hutt for dancing.

My parents came home today:(
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