I guess Obama is a Really Nice Guy (of the kind that finishes last) or a Great Statesman (a very rare but admirable kind of politician).
The question is who is he exactly?
What does he urge Democrats to do when they have lost a key election and are about two weeks away from losing their super-majority? He has staked a LOT on passing his healthcare
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Looks like Dems want to look Nice. Too bad, they will not get any of niceness from Reps.
a) original post was about Obama not Dems in general, so I'm a bit confused how your latest comment is relevant
b) Jim Webb, being politician, might be motivated by his desire to be re-elected not so much "to look Nice"
b) People generally have lots of motivations. For example, John Edwards was obviously NOT motivated by furthering his career in politics while screwing (w/o protection) his videographer during his White House election compaign.
So I am still wondering about Obama's (and Webb's) motivation. Your suggestion was that they did not have a chance anyway. My understanding that Dems had a pretty good technical chance, if they all set aside their posturing and tried hard (because in 10 days there would not be a chance, in fact).
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