Oct 30, 2012 13:51
Велик и могуч не только русский язык! Вот, ради интереса, выдержки из трёх разных переводов "Мастера и Маргариты" Михаила Булгакова.
Оригинал (Глава 4. Погоня)
... Та, лишь только увидела кота, лезущего в трамвай, со злобой, от которой даже тряслась, закричала:
- Котам нельзя! С котами нельзя! Брысь! Слезай, а то милицию позову!
Ни кондукторшу, ни пассажиров не поразила самая суть дела: не то, что кот лезет в трамвай, в чем было бы еще полбеды, а то, что он собирается платить!
Кот оказался не только платежеспособным, но и дисциплинированным зверем. При первом же окрике кондукторши он прекратил наступление, снялся с подножки и сел на остановке, потирая гривенником усы. Но лишь кондукторша рванула веревку и трамвай тронулся, кот поступил как всякий, кого изгоняют из трамвая, но которому все-таки ехать-то надо. Пропустив мимо себя все три вагона, кот вскочил на заднюю дугу последнего, лапой вцепился в какую-то кишку, выходящую из стенки, и укатил, сэкономив, таким образом, гривенник.
А вот перевод Майкла Гленни (Michael Glenny), впервые опубликованный в 1967году (Chapter 4. The Pursuit):
... Seeing the cat board her tram, she yelled, shaking with anger:
' No cats allowed! I'm not moving with a cat on board! Go on--shoo! Get off, or I'll call the police! '
Both conductress and passengers seemed completely oblivious of the most extraordinary thing of all: not that a cat had boarded a tramcar--that was after all possible--but the fact that the animal was offering to pay its fare!
The cat proved to be not only a fare-paying but a law-abiding animal. At the first shriek from the conductress it retreated, stepped off the platform and sat down at the tram-stop, stroking its whiskers with the ten-kopeck piece. But no sooner had the conductress yanked the bell-rope and the car begun to move off, than the cat acted like anyone else who has been pushed off a tram and is still determined to get to his destination. Letting all three cars draw past it, the cat jumped on to the coupling-hook of the last car, latched its paw round a pipe sticking out of one of the windows and sailed away, having saved itself ten kopecks.
Вариант Дианы Бёрджин и Кэтрин Тирнэн О'Коннор (Diana Burgin&Katherine Tiernan O'Connor), 1995 год (Chapter 4. The Chase):
... As soon as she saw the cat climbing onto the streetcar, she began shouting with such fury that she shook all over , "Cats aren't allowed! No passengers with cats! Shoo! Get off, or I'll call the police!"
But neither the conductress nor the passengers were amazed by the most important thing of all, namely, that a cat was not merely getting on a streetcar, which wasn't so bad, but that he intended to pay his fare!
The cat turned out to be not only a fare-paying beast, but a disciplined one as well. At the first yell from the conductress, he stopped in his tracks, got off the streetcar, and sat down at the stop, stroking his whiskers with his ten-kopeck piece. But no sooner did the conductress pull the cord and the streetcar start to move, than the cat did just what anyone who has been kicked off a streetcar and still has somewhere to go would do. He let all three cars go by, then jumped onto the coupler in the back of the last one, grabbed on to a piece of tubing that stuck out of the back with his paw and sailed off, saving himself ten kopecks in the bargain.
И версия Ричарда Певеэра и Ларисы Волохонской (Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky), 1997 год (Chapter 4. The Chase):
... As soon as she saw the cat getting into the tram-car, she shouted with a malice that even made her shake:
"No cats allowed! Nobody with cats allowed! Scat! Get off, or I'll call the police!"
Neither the conductress nor the passengers were struck by the essence of the matter: not just that a cat was boarding a tram-car, which would have been good enough, but that he was going to pay!
The cat turned out to be not only a solvent but also a disciplined animal. At the very first shout from the conductress, he halted his advance, got off the foot-board, and sat down at the stop, rubbing his whiskers with the ten-kopeck piece. But as soon as the conductress yanked the cord and the tram-car started moving off, the cat acted like anyone who has been expelled from a tram-car but still needs a ride. Letting all three cars go by, the cat jumped on to the rear coupling pin of the last one, wrapped its paws around some hose sticking out of the side, and rode off, thus saving himself ten-kopecks.
литература на английском языке,
Мастер и Маргарита