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Aug 13, 2013 15:11

О чем уж говорить, если даже в Швейцарии ТАК готовят публикации. И ни куда-нибудь, а в Organometallics.

As first posted by ChemBark, a recent paper in Organometallics by Professor Reto Dorta at the University of Zurich is catching the ire of the online chemical community today for a quick throaway note left in the supporting information in the paper entitled, “Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Studies of Palladium and Platinum Bis-Sulfoxide Complexes“. On page 12 of the supporting information a note is left for the first author Emma E. Drinkel*, presumably by Reto Dorta, saying, “Emma, please insert NMR data here! where are they? and for this compound, just make up an elemental analysis…”.

Источник - http://www.chemistry-blog.com/2013/08/07/when-authors-forget-to-fake-an-elemental-analysis/
Ссылка на статью - http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/om4000067
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