Denmark has relatively modest average wind speeds in the range of 4.9-5.6 m/s measured at 10 m height. Onshore wind resources are highest in the western part of the country, and on the eastern islands with coastlines facing south or west. The country has very large offshore wind resources, and large areas of sea territory with a shallow water depth of 5-15 m, where siting is most feasible. These sites offer higher wind speeds, in the range of roughly 8.5-9.0 m/s at 50 m height.[16] There have been no major problems from wind variability, although there is a temporary problem resulting from the connection of a large bloc of wind power from offshore wind farms to a single point on a weak section of the transmission network.
Denmark plans to increase wind's share even further[21] to 50% of consumption in 2020,[22] and up to 84% in 2035.[7]
Сейчас 44% вроде.
В Дании самая высокая стоимость кВт*ч в Европе (если не в мире). Немцы уступают с долей ветряков в энергетике в районе 21%.
Хотя: Die mit Stand Ende 2014 installierten Windkraftanlagen konnten rechnerisch etwa 70 % des schleswig-holsteinischen Strombedarfs decken. (на конец 16-го года - 87,8%)
Denmark has relatively modest average wind speeds in the range of 4.9-5.6 m/s measured at 10 m height. Onshore wind resources are highest in the western part of the country, and on the eastern islands with coastlines facing south or west. The country has very large offshore wind resources, and large areas of sea territory with a shallow water depth of 5-15 m, where siting is most feasible. These sites offer higher wind speeds, in the range of roughly 8.5-9.0 m/s at 50 m height.[16] There have been no major problems from wind variability, although there is a temporary problem resulting from the connection of a large bloc of wind power from offshore wind farms to a single point on a weak section of the transmission network.
Denmark plans to increase wind's share even further[21] to 50% of consumption in 2020,[22] and up to 84% in 2035.[7]
Сейчас 44% вроде.
В Дании самая высокая стоимость кВт*ч в Европе (если не в мире). Немцы уступают с долей ветряков в энергетике в районе 21%.
Хотя: Die mit Stand Ende 2014 installierten Windkraftanlagen konnten rechnerisch etwa 70 % des schleswig-holsteinischen Strombedarfs decken. (на конец 16-го года - 87,8%)
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