Title: Ikenai koto kai (Is It Wrong?) [
cover] [
back cover]
Artist: Asuka Tennouji
Parining: Waya x Isumi
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 11
Notes: This is chapter 1 from a total of three. I don't know whether I will scanlate the rest, but this chapter is good enough in itself.
Is It Wrong? )
Comments 42
My nose bled for hours after I received this doujinshi.
Waya x Isumi and smut. My day has just been successfully made. Isumi biting the bedsheet is an awesome thing to see. X3 Poor thing, being "loved" too hard. ♥
Thankyou muchly for sharing! The last two chapters would be a delight to see, if you end up wanting to scanlate them. My heart jumps to see the [scanlation] tag in this community. Thanks again for your work! ♥ ♥ ♥
Indeed! ^^
You're very welcome. I am very happy that you like my scanlations ^^ I love doing them and if I ever find time for chapter two, which is long, I will do it. It is all Saeki and Waya, though. Chapter 3 is a novel. Or if the novel part is unrelated, chapter 3 is not in the book I own. But I'll try to get a hold of it someday anyway ^^
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