Close Encounters (or Third Time's The Charm) and Himerus and Eros: Parts I and II

Jun 15, 2012 00:29

Two fics for you today!

Title: Close Encounters (or Third Time's The Charm)
Pairings: Waya/Touya, Waya/Shindou, Waya/Isumi
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Sex isn't a big deal to Waya. He doesn't really seek it out, but when he has it, he takes it at face value and moves on. It doesn't bother him to see his sexual partners with other people - it's not like he'd wanted more from them than he'd gotten. But it is a bit lonely. That is, until he finally stops waiting for things to come to him and instead, makes a move of his own.

Notes: I wrote this ages ago, but I couldn't post it because it would have been a giant neon sign blinking an arrow right in my direction for Blind Go. Then I kinda forgot about it for a bit, ahaha. This is just a short little romp through Waya's sex life.

Waya isn’t a hundred percent sure how it happened, but it’s happening now, and that’s all his brain can focus on with Touya’s tongue down his throat and his hands pulling roughly at his belt.

Title: Himerus and Eros
Pairings: Waya/Shindou, Waya/Isumi, AkiHika
Rating: NC-17
AO3 Tags/Warnings: Angst, Smut, Rough Sex, Cheating, Fuckbuddies, Unrequited Love, Friends to Lovers, Friendship/Love, Best Friends, Betrayal, Partner Betrayal, Hurt/Comfort, Love, Falling In Love, Community: blind_go, Minor Violence, Heartbreak

Summary: The first time Waya fools around with Shindou, he figures it's no big deal. After all, he's well aware of Shindou's disturbing level of interest in Touya Akira. They could fool around for a while, and if Touya got his head out of his ass and figured out his feelings for Shindou, no harm, no foul. Then one night, Shindou ups the ante from fooling around to sex, and quite suddenly, all bets are off. Waya wants more, and despite Isumi's concerned advice, Waya is determined to get it.

Unfortunately, he's not the only one after Shindou Hikaru, and despite Waya's ferocity, Touya has the advantage.

Notes: My May 2012 blind_go entry, and also my first adventure inside Waya's head. Apparently my Waya muse comes smothered in angst. I want to thank the Fabulous Fandom Five, Ver, Very, Liz and Inoru (the fifth would be me, heh), and so many other people helped me in one way or another, like Snarky Llama, Pye, KRIM, Kelkatan and Daisy. Also Qem, who was my constant reminder that Blind Go is an ANONYMOUS contest and that I probably should work on not oozing spoilers every single time I opened my mouth - not by hushing me, but by telling me, with no little amusement, that she usually puts me on her 'not allowed to guess' blacklist during BG, thanks to BG Chat, where I have always said WAY TOO MUCH. I tried really hard not to spoil her, but I'm pretty sure I still failed, heh. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in this, and also all the love in the world for Trixie and Pye, without which, there would be no BG and consequently, no fic to share (even if it IS angsty as all hell). Hikago is the best fandom on the planet, I swear! <3

The premise of this fic came from one of those moments when your mind jumps from topic to topic based on bizarre associations that only to you, and talking to Ver about potential stories led me to considering Waya, who I've never really written, and definitely not as the main character, and my mind zipped backwards in time to one of the first (if not actually the first) Hikago fics I ever wrote - a sloppy little drabble called Sweet Surrender where Hikaru can't be with either of the people he loves (Touya and Waya), and he's a complete mess. It comes complete with a line of dialogue that is clearly an awkwardly placed song lyric. *Dies* Though that and this are completely different concepts, you have that shitty little drabble to thank for this monster, heh.

Hopefully, this fic is a hell of a lot better than the one that inspired it - but that's for you to judge. :D

It didn't have to be a big deal; they could just experiment for a while, and if Touya ever opened his eyes and saw what was right in front of him, well, Shindou could ride off into the proverbial sunset with him, no harm no foul.
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