Apr 03, 2007 18:21
And so now onto my second day of holiday and already I'm faling back into the routines that seem to return between each and every term of uni. Late rising, late going to bed and not much achieved in between.
Actually, that isn't entirely true, as I spent much of yesterday helping Mum in the garden and cleaning my lovely car, which had become absolutely filthy, thanks to the dirty car parks at uni.
Today hasn't been entirely unproductive either, with a few hours passed making some long overdue modifications to the admin area of my website. Not achieved half of what I'd hoped to though, as I've been struck with a catologue of erros that need debugging and workarounds that need discovering. It's all behind the scenes, so sadly no one else will be able to appeciate it, but my job will be made a little easier in the long run, which is important.
Tonight I've been invited Katy's for ..... I don't know actually. Film watching or similar I expect. The main criteria so far as I can see is that it should be reasonably cheap, which suits me well enough.
Sadly I've agreed to pick up Tim from Fleet station at about 11:30 tonight so I'll either have to leave Katy's early or go and come back. Bit of a nusience, but my car hasn't had a good run for a day or two so it'll be worth while.
Not sure what tomorrow will consist of, but I'm willing to bet that the usual routine of sleeping in, sitting on the net all day and then going to bed might have a role to play. Lets hope something interesting happens so that I don't go totally mad, or else forget how to move.