Just because!

Mar 13, 2008 15:35

... I already meant to write about this on Monday, but then I was busy all those days up 'til now either wildly running around all over the place or else answering to comments (I was starting to wonder if I was ever gonna see the end of that @-@) , and I finally got the time to post this, so I'm gonna damn well take that chance!

Monday was a pretty eventful day, still, I somehow managed hanging out in front of some TV screen or other a lot of times.

Went over to a friend's and as is kind of becoming our custom when I go visit her on a day of school, she turned on the TV and we watched the most worst! thing that was on. Which happened to be  a program  called "auf und davon - Mein Auslandstagebuch" (something along the lines of "up and abroad - my diary abroad" ... I guess?) and it featured some German girl that day who seemed to insist on wearing very, veeeery low cut shirts...
So, my friend starts in her "werri-gud-Holtappels-Inglisch" (that's our not particularly gifted English teacher of grades 9 and 10): "Yeah, you know Deutschland? Germany? We have much boobs here. A lot of boobs," and finally, "Germany's the land of the thousand boobs."

I almost died, I was laughing so hard! xDDD

Then later that day, I was watching 
okvegascowgirl's DVD again, because I wanted to check if it still runs in the DVD player after the ripping software kept messing up the video... and because I needed an excuse to watch "The View" again ;)
So, I just sat down, and of course, who appears at that moment?
Let's just say, sis ended up in front of the TV with me, again! (why does she keep doing it when she's trying to appear disinterested, I wonder? ...) AND, when Drake was telling of how Josh was one of the first people to be at the hospital, guess what she said? "Awww, that's the cutest thing ever!"
She should just stop being in denial!! It's obvious, dammit!

Ok, off to write more ff... ;)

life, sis, boobs, d&j, random, drake & josh

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