Dreaming, I'm dreaming...

Apr 21, 2007 08:23

Dude, don't offer to upload mp3 requests for people, and then never do them. It's hell annoying, not to mention you should know whether you don't have the time or energy to upload a bunch of songs. Or at least limit how many people can request so you don't get overwhelmed, eh?
[/end PMSing]

I finally, finally finished Kanon. It was BRILLIANT. ;_; It didn't make me cry as much as I'd hoped (XD), and some parts were predictable, and the ending was a bit vague (WAAAAY clearer then AIR though...), but still really good. ♥ I still like AIR way better though. XD

Someone NEEDS to make a fanlisting for Akiko, she's is the most awesome anime mom ever. SPECIAL JAM 4LIFE. ♥ My eyes filled up with tears within seconds when she was...at the end...while she was...on the... ;__;

Reminds me, I need to revamp my darling Shiori ASAP. :O I took a bunch of screencaps while catching up (most of them Shiori -- because she's the prettiest, yesh yesh *^-^* -- or characters emoing and such, bwaha), and I shall be making Shiori Kanon icons, mmyes. ♥

Voting is up @ animanga_lims!

Awww...only one *cough* two people used the bloody picture. Poor picture. :[

ranting, anime, animanga_lims, kanon, fanlistings

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