Jul 23, 2005 03:33
Ok wow where to begin. Homeless again. But with a home kinda. I mean I have a place to stay this time. I am with the JWs family right now. They took me in because my mom is well not a great Mom. AW and LM are both really mad at Mom. Both ofd which are her best friends. And they both came to me and said that it was ok if I wanted to stay with them. My aunt (LM) basically didnt know anything that was going on with Mom She didnt even know that Mom was drinking again or anything. Then I went out and chilled with Heather. Who I had to post 1000 dollars cash bail for when her roomie beat the shit out of her and then told the cops that she was kicked in the stomach (Heathers roomie is El Preggo) Went to court with heather. Went to Robs show today. Very cool. He lost his match as planned. And did it well. His acting wasnt amazing but he is a good actor overall. He seemed stressed though. Maybe there were more people there than usual. I dunno I guess I decided to post in here to see if anyone still cared about this thing at all. Hit me up if I should keep posting dont if I shouldnt it is all up to you people.