Dec 08, 2009 11:56
I love that I feel safe enough livejournal to post dorky stuff like this. Yay for most of the people we know abandoning their livejournals years ago! The few left, that I know of, are cool people...unlike myspace where people I don't even remember exsist can your stuff and make judgements.
So, in short, I'm a big dork and this is some silly love survey...the lover in question, obviously, is Joey...hopefully the last lover I ever need...maybe that's a big hope...but I can't imagine wanting any other.
Whats your full name?
Krystle Lane Noble
What colors aree you wearing?
purple and black
Are you in a realtionship?
yeeeeah :]
Have you ever been given a rose?
of course I have, we live in a country of conformists and roses seem to be the standard.
Have you ever licked a photo?
damn, never thought I'd have to admit that to anyone. Yes. (in retrospect I should point out that this was a long time ago when I was younger)
Have you ever been in love?
Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
MMMmmmm... I really want to. I'm a skeptic by nature though, and I question if "forever" really exsists at all. I'm really hopeful though.
What's your current problem?
I treat my body like shit so it doesn't feel my relationship, though, there really aren't any that I know of. I'd hope he'd tell me if he had an issue with me, and I can't imagine having any with him...but life's no fairy-tale...give me a few months maybe? Even if there was, I'd do anything I can to understand the situation and work through it. He's quite worth compromising or actually admitting when I'm wrong.
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeah. Torn out, stomped on, decieved in everyway...stunted growth... yeah, I just might be what they call damaged goods. I must admit, I've been feeling pretty revived lately though.
Do you have a crush?
I have an immense attraction for my's way better than any crush. Trust me.
How many kids do you want to have?
Whoa now. Talk to me in a few years...I can't contemplate such things right now.
What is/are your favorite(s) color?
visually red but to wear it would be black
Have you ever found it hard to tell anyone you like them?
Yeah, for years and years I couldn't talk to men I found attractive at all. Insanity and nonsense would just come out when I opened my mouth...actually...that may not have changed. I think I just found more interesting men.
Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died would you get re-married?
That depends on the spouse. I honestly think my lover has runined other men for if it were him, I don't know that I would be able to be with anyone else. If things don't work out, though, and he breaks my heart at 24, I'm sure I'll eventually see other men, but I don't think I'd ever look at things quite the same as before him(or be able to love the same...I'd have nothing to give them)-but yeah if it was just some random guy I was with though I had no heart left anyway...I'd probably replace him, once you have no heart they just become flesh to you anyway. clones!
What song do you want played at your wedding?
maybe Oasis-wonderwall? I'd be way down with like NIN-Closer or like Puscifer-Rev 20:12 but unfortunately...I like a man that respects his family, and those men never want to be as offensive as I truly am on the inside. I always wanted to wear an awesome black or red dress at my wedding...but yeah sadly enough it's not ALL up to me, and partnerships are about all those silly things like compromise and respecting each others opinions....but like everyone in the building isn't going to be laughing their asses off if I try to trapse up the aisle in a white dress.
Do you like/love anyone?
I think that's pretty obvious.
Do you think the person(s) you like/ loves, love /likes you back?
I'm incredibly hopeful.
Do you want to get married?
No way in hell am I about to put a stigma on my relationship because I'm so bored that I'm doing surveys. I think things will play out the way their meant to...
Are you a shy person?
at times. sometimes I'm incredibly social, sometimes people scare the shit out of me.
Did you have a good day today?
I haven't done anything important yet, though I do need to go shower so I can...but yeah so far so good. I woke up sickly and feel a good 30 percent better already.
What are you thinking about?
how my stomach hurts a little bit still, due to the previous question.
Where would you like to go on a vacation holiday?
I'd love to go to Italy with Joey. He can check out the land of his people and I can check out some amazing well as landscapes and food...and a million other amazing things.
Who's the closest person/people to your heart now? (closest friends?)
whoa, that's an incredibly loaded question.
What's the thing you love about the person you like/love?
oh you don't even want to go there...I will absolutely make you sick and me look like lunatic if I really get going with this...BUT..just a few...because you asked...
-His heart-he's got a lot of heart and there's nothing hotter than that.
-talking to him: he's intelligent and incredibly funny. I really enjoy our conversations.
-He's intriguing and interesting. There's much more to him than meets the eye...I want to know what's going on in his head all of the time.
-His shoulders...back...body in general. So hot...don't hate, the physical is important to me. I'm endlessly attracted to him.........yes.
-His lips, they're supple and beautiful.
-His eyes, they're beautiful in color but I love the shape. He's got those kind of sleepy bedroom eyes that kill me.
Ok, I really could do this forever...