Web caming with sheila chew chew! HAHA who claims she verry shy. -_-
look at pooh at the back ! HAHA so cute!
look at poon's face! HAHA
OK! let me clarify myself! over saturday being sent home from church! BASICALLY, before goin to church a few of us when to K and then while we were walking back to church i was feeling damm sick so i took my temperature and it was like 36degrees and the people taking temprature(WC and Annette) didn't wan to give me the sticker! :( and i dunno why la! haha but since i was not feeling not well i just went home then slowly my fever went up! haha SEE maybe if i went for ypm my fever wouldn't have gone up! haha ok kidding! so since i'm allergice to all the fever medicine i just had to slp. SOOO i slept from like saturday night till sunday afternoon like 2pm! seriously damm shiok! and so my stupid fever is gone! and so i conclude that i think i was just exhausted from late nights and sch and so my body decided to give up on me! haha okk i'm perfectly fine now! I even went prawning ok! =p
And Rusty is goin NS on thurs! So got Farewell dinner laters. ok bye!