my side, your side! my side, your side!

Sep 02, 2009 20:13

...I love Stark so much. :D

Tiny linkspam:

I. Spent the day updating/cleaning out my computer. Spacemonger is a really neat utility that maps out the hard drive. I previously used DiskView, which is also cool but this one has pie charts and graphs and pretty colors that allow me to freaking FIGURE IT ALL OUT. (Like how my 250 GB hard drive was practically full until I saw it mapped out and oh, I somehow have 18GB of screencaps. Whoops.)

Other utilities that are also helpful with directory mapping:
- WinDirStat
- TreeSize (I tried out the Trial version)

II. Via PopWatch: 'The Cove' worked! Dolphin slaughter stops in Taiji. Good! Obviously a royal band of dolphin spies had nothing to do with it. At all.

III. The Magical Fantastical Disney/Marvel Mashup Meme. should all write Squall and the Beast and Iron Man fic now. So I could pass out. That'd be nice.

computer, movies, memes

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