"i love you like i'm blind!"

Nov 23, 2008 01:29

Oh, Twilight.

I basically went to see this movie to understand what the big deal is about and for potential laughs (with AWESOME company!) because I don't really participate in anything Twilight. I only know the basics about the series -- no plot points save for Breaking Dawn craziness -- so I have very little to go on (case in point: just finding out a few months ago that the "Do I dazzle you?" line was NOT parody). So. Uhh.


Oh, RPattz. I felt so, SO BAD for him. Though boy doesn't get off the hook because it's not like he's Oscar worthy in this but... WHAT?!. Sepia tones! Montages! Erratic artsy 360 camera whirling?! "Say it!" WHAT. Okay. That's from a film perspective. And there isn't much plot to work with but it really, really made me want to hurt things. I've never been a fan of the Romeo and Juliet romance, and so it was very strange to watch. (Seeing as the timeline was a month and they fell in love?) There were some good parts (vampire baseball! Obvious scared Jasper is obvious! Alice! Charlie! Jacob's dad! ....sometimes Jacob! Can we just have a movie with Emmett, Alice, and Jasper? Please?) but they were few and far between.

Not to mention we were shushed twice. I have never seen so many teenage girls in a theater in my life. It kinda reminded me of when Titanic came out and I avoided seeing that movie for 5 years because of the insanity. o_O

...yeah. My mind's gone right now. Cannot compute. It's dazzled away.

oh, rpattz.

movies: twilight, movies: 2008, movies

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