supernatural: 4x07 - it's the great pumpkin, sam winchester

Oct 30, 2008 22:19

  • Dean/Candy = OTP, to get that out of the way. Hee, his little cramps! N'awww. Fucked up candy over Halloween and Dean eating candy makes me RIDICULOUSLY GLEEFUL. Partly because my Sam/Dean Halloween fic last year had some of that. Oh, Snake!Dean, I never did get to write that ficlet about you.

  • Dean, you know nothing about Samhain? BLAHH. Oh, Dean. Sometimes I dislike it when Dean's made to be all ??? for Sam to be explaining. Yes, plot and stuff but Dean, this shit is necessary. Though their twist on Samhain, uh, okay. Well, they always twist things for the service of the plot. (Which I meant to write about in my Horror final last semester. Oops.)

  • ;DLASKGJDFLKG BOYS INVESTIGATING A CASE. I dunno why, but it reminded me of S1. Coupled with pilot!Sam in the flashback and his complete CRUMPLED WOOBIE FACE with a nosebleed when Dean saw him use his powers! AWW. Dean, go give him a hug. I'm sorry. THIS URGE HAPPENS.

  • So Dean remembers Hell? That and Uriel telling Sam to tell Dean to come off his high horse -- did Dean do some bad stuff to survive Hell, much like Sam had to use his powers in the wake of Dean being gone? Thinky thoughts!

  • Thinky thoughts as well re: Dean and the hot cheerleader thing and Sam's loooong pause.

  • Also, love the eyeless mask that Dean stared at. See, the brief flashes and noise are elements I'd rather see and hear for Hell than the meathooks = leave it up to our imaginations, because no way can they properly convey it on a TV budget. Much less a movie one.

  • Hi, take charge!Dean! Hi, complete fucking hotass and badass Sam Winchester, omg, I love you. Like. A LOT. YOU GUYS. HIS FACE. His 'your demon light will not work on me, I'm here to kick your ass' thing and HELLO.

  • Can we also talk about how adorable he was at fumbling with Castiel? HEE. Though I felt bad originally because I worried about him and gahhh, he's letdown after all of it. When Dean told him God didn't want Sam using his powers before, Sam was crushed and he just wants to make things right and aaahhh. Boys working together to save the greater good, despite certain means to do so = more aaahhh.

  • DEAN FIGHTING ZOMBIES WILL NEVER NOT BE AWESOME. \o/ Too bad he didn't have a chainsaw. Heh.

  • Oooh. Castiel not knowing all the answers and Uriel being impatient = intriguing. Interesting. CRAZY MAKING. Because I'm nervous as all hell as to how they're going to handle things and Good Omens set the bar pretty high. Yes, that's a completely different case and story, but religious storylines have never been that high up on my list so I get nervous!
NEXT WEEK: WISH GRANTING AND TED RAIMI. KRIPKE, I FUCKING LOVE YOU. Oh, Bruce Campbell. You know you want to. Ted did it. Call him up, buddy. (highlight to read)

supernatural: recap, supernatural

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