the dark knight.

Jul 19, 2008 19:27

Box Office Mojo is reporting that Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight has set a new opening day record with $66.4 million in a record 4,366 theaters (including 94 IMAX theaters) nationwide.

Saw it again today. Still just as awesome. Need to see it on IMAX ASAP.

The Dark Knight
  1. If you don't know by now, I'm a comics geek. Or a semi-one anyway. Before SPN I was really into it for a year. Not that long, but I somehow got lost in two decades worth of DC Comics history, primarily centered on Superman, Batman, and the Justice League. So I can get picky, but Batman Begins -- I didn't get really picky with it, other than the slow pacing of the beginning. And I saw it before I really got into comics. Anyway, point being is that I love what Nolan's done with transferring comic elements into real world elements and... it's this mix of harsh reality and comic extravagance, with the Joker walking down the line in the middle.

  2. Heath was not Heath; Heath was the Joker, through and through. Best. Perfect. Really does deserve the praise. The man became the same figure I was terrified and thrilled by during long, scary nights of reading The Killing Joke or The Long Halloween. And it's really fucking weird, too, because he has this like... crazy, disturbing, mesmerizing prescence -- and it's so fucked up, that it draws you in.

  3. I liked how they took bits and pieces that don't necessarily seem threatening and yet when it's in the Joker's hands, it is: the knives (and his speech about them being more torturous than guns), magic tricks, the slinkiness of his walk and his grungy clothing. The disappearing pencil trick = big difference from that old trick of a gun with a flag saying 'Bang!'

  4. The plot is twisty and somewhat long and I don't care because it just kept racheting up the excitement and CHAOS. Watching the world burn is a thrilling and terrifying concept -- the different sides playing off each other and the Joker standing in as absolute chaos to Batman, his true match and opposite... It was dizzying and thrilling. THAT, that's the Joker I want to see. That I read about. I also loved how they had no set origin for him -- just like his different stories in The Killing Joke -- and that he shows up, random and disturbing, fitting his nature.

  5. I think I should have a random note about this: the Joker, walking out of the hospital in that nurse's outfit. After he disinfects his hands. It's just... little touches, like that? Or the killing the bus driver bit at the beginning? Little moments, like that. Perfect.

  6. Non Joker things! : speaking of the twisty plot above, I'm surprised they killed Rachel! I knew they couldn't kill Gordon (because, uh, Commissioner) but... wow. Interesting twist. I'll miss Maggie Gylenhaal though. I liked her way more than Katie I thought Batman was going to go save her, and Harvey would be all explodey from the oil but they switched it -- or did the Joker give Batman the wrong address on purpose? I don't remember. Which, eh, I think they should've had Batman almost miss saving Harvey, because the dropping and getting burned thing was weird. This wish, I blame on the animated series take on what happened.

  7. Bat sonar! LENSES! ...Weird echolocation thingy! Batpod! Fuck. I love how they take real world / potential things and twist it here so it doesn't seem too out of place (i.e. well obviously, I will just whip out my Shark Repellant spray. *pets Adam West!Batman*)

  8. Oh, Harvey. ♥ One thing I loved about Two-Face in the animated series version is how much of a friend he was to Bruce -- and those shades of darkness there, and how it all tied into his fall. I like the route they took here -- how his crusade tied into his desire for a family and how all hope was pinned on this one symbol and... all of that. (I'd be more coherent, but I'm still in a groggy, "that was fucking aaawweeesome" place right now.)

  9. GARY OLDMAN, HOW I LOVE YOU, LET ME COUNT THE MANY WAYS. For all of Harvey's greatness, I did love this man trying to do good in the background, without any pats on the back or the media shining lights on him. When he helped arrest the Joker, I was so very happy. The fact that he has to hunt and chase Batman at the end broke my heart but he understood what he had to do, even if he didn't want to do it.

  10. Christian Bale, I feel like I haven't said enough about you, and you, my dear, were fucking brilliant. Top notch and perfect. Jerky and kind of a douchebag as Bruce, putting on that persona when he's really Batman and the VOICE, my god. I loved it. (Also, I loved all the scars too, but you guys know I would say that, freaking awesome omg!! CGI for Harvey aside.)

  11. Now for the third movie... who will the villain be? Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, the Mad Hatter... the list goes on and on. I'd love it if Catwoman came in, but I think the recent film has cancelled any chances of that happening. Hmm. Bane? ...that could be really horrible (or, more horrible than Batman and Robin. *shudders*) There's the less realistic and more 'comic book-y', like Clayface or Killer Croc. Then there are the more 'realistic' ones, like Deadshot or the Riddler. I'm guessing the Riddler would be the best bet -- imagine Nolan taking the twisty plotting from this one and applying it to someone like the Riddler (and not the campy Jim Carrey version). Thing is, Nygma has turned over a new leaf in the comic now so.

    Black Mask? Hush? (ooh, Hush!) Ventriloquist and Scarface? (therefore freaking me the fuck out FORVER? I have a thing about ventriloquist dummies. I blame Dead of Night and Profundo Rosso.

  12. I think I might edit in more thoughts later. For now? Seriously, one of the best comic movies I've seen. Or movies this year, period.
Other thoughts:

1. I need to read Watchmen! I always meant to, but never got around to it. I've got time until March next year. (Fuck. MARCH. *wants*)

2. If I have to see that Breakfast Club J.C. Penney commercial again at the movie theater (*4* times last night, 1 time today), I am going to stab something. I GET IT. NO. I THINK IT'S FUCKING STUPID. ALSO, WHAT THE FUCK, MAN.


ETA: 4. Jason Statham's character in Death Race is named Jensen Aimes. ... *bursts out laughing* oh, movie gods. &HEARTS AND FLOWERS;

movies: 2008, movies, movies: the dark knight

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