movies, stories, and twizzlers?

Jun 30, 2008 20:23

Wall-E: SO MUCH LOVE. AND ADORATION. From the moment Michael Crawford started singing, I was hooked. I hadn't read anything much about the movie until I read the New York Times review, so I didn't know what to expect -- but then, it's Pixar. Animals, inanimate objects, whatever, they make it work. I was really interested in seeing it once I heard Ben Burtt was the sound designer for Wall-E (R2D2, people. \o/) and that factor, amongst many others -- the CGI, the story, music, aghh.... Wall-E's earnest geekiness -- just... left me so, so very happy. Right now it's one of my top Pixar movies, right behind Toy Story. Might pass that. I loved it a lot. The fact that they had an AWESOME cartoon short beforehand just made me all nostalgic. I remember cartoons before Disney movies! Like that weird Frankenstein Mickey Mouse one. Okay, the last time I saw those cartoons was in the early 1990's, and Disney might be all crazypants now, but... show me fantastic animation and a wonderful story and I get SNIFFLY and lameass with my love.

Get Smart: Hi, my name is ignited and I have a crush on Steve Carrell. I think he's hilarious on The Office and I love him on it, but half the time Michael makes me cringe. Outside of the show though? Total crush. Seeing him in this campy, somewhat ridiculous and over the top but in a cutesy way, movie? With old fashioned spy comedy hijinks? Fun. The relationship between Max and 99 was cute and full of banter and I hope they do a sequel. Hilaaarious. Dwayne Johnson = yay!

Uncut because it needs to be said: please give me your J2 spy AU recs so I don't have to shake my fist in anger at the inevitable wish for a J2 Get Smart AU. Stop it, brain! Stop putting them in everything! ARGHHH.


In between all of that and other fandom things I need to finish, I was commissioned to make a layout for -- a site for Jared and Jensen stuff and media. Lots of fantastic people have contributed to the site and a few lovely ladies are running it, so I'm very excited to see that it's finally up! Thanks to keepaofthecheez for putting up with my weird PHP ramblings. (You guys, I kinda know how to mess around with Word Press now! And PHP includes! *_*).

Been a while since I've worked on a fansite layout too, which just reminds me that I need to brush up on my HTML in that area again! If you like, go and check it out. There's a lot of media that I haven't actually seen yet, so I'm very excited to start looking!

movies: wall-e, webdesign, movies: 2008, movies, movies: get smart

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