I. My brain is still wonky from coding and fixing some typos. Joys of sleep deprivation!. o_O Anyway, back to reading other stories now that I've posted mine and Reg's
spn_j2_bigbang late last night:
in disguises no one knows(Sam/Dean, minor Dean/OMC and Dean/OFC; NC-17; ~40,000 words)
ignited &
regala_electraThey are sisters, they have always been sisters. Only that was then and this is now. Sam and Dean Winchester wake up on an empty stretch of road, with their memories altered and a new problem: they're in male bodies.
Remind me sometime to talk about additional thinky thoughts about writing 40k worth of genderswapped incest. Sometime. (It's not as cracked out as it seems?)
II. Speaking of stories, I have Big Bang stories to read but I'd love some story recs -- yours, someone else's, whatever. Drowning in a sea of deliciousness. :D
II. I need to look into vidding. I've said this before, but I keep hearing songs lately that I want to make vids for. I do a lot of video editing at work but I don't have the same setup at home. Hmm. I've learned a lot about Final Cut Pro this past year but I don't have a Mac at home so I can't use it. Either Premiere or Vegas for me, I guess. Unless I obtain Monopoly monies and buy a Mac Book. Mac users! Isn't it true that they can also run Windows XP on them during the start up? I think my boss told me something about that once so if it's true, I just might get one. When I receive said fictional money, that is.
Pep talk meme!
My thread. Pep is nifty after being sleepy and wonky eyed at work.
IV. Should I even finish watching The Incredible Hulk if just the opening credits/montage had me screaming in anger? Sorry. I was one of the 5 people who loved the original. *shrugs* (Eric! ERIC!)
V. Discovered
psdtuts.com at work today and omg. *starry eyes* Use of 'tuts' aside because it's tutorials, not tuts. That always makes me think about King Tut. I gotta try out some of them. They look like a lot of fun!
VI. Seriously, should I watch more of that movie? I do have 21. And that has Jim Sturgess. *ponders*
Firefox 3! Go and download! Shinier than ever before!
VIII. My default icon makes me so happy. :D