Before I dig into writing for
1. My username is ______ because ______.
ignited because it comes from a screen name, Ignited Angel, which originally was in use for an RP character. Burning Angel was taken, so I took out a thesaurus, and there you go. When I went onto message boards, I shortened it to Ignited and that's what stuck when I got on LJ. Mmm, a name that brings up gases and fire. Neat.
2. My name is ______ because ______.
sam winchester: butch lesbian in a man's body. Because, well. I have reasons!
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
a day in the life | carry on my wayward son. ADITL has stuck for ages since it's one of my favorite Beatles songs and it's cliché at this point to use it as a journal title but I don't care. (It's that, or using "Help!" Naming a journal like that would be weird.) I always stick the layout title right after that, so it's the song by Kansas because I'm still using my first SPN themed layout and that's the unofficial theme song in my head. I don't really pay attention much to journal titles. I remember usernames more, so I didn't really think about the names too much.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
a day in the life | friends. ...which can be seen in my friends page name! d'oh. When I mess around with layout/journal customized stuff, I deal with that last and very quickly. *shrugs*
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
One of my favorite pictures of Sam. Negative space + darkness + Sam on alert + Sam fucking Winchester = love! Funny thing is, it's from "Roadkill" and I didn't like that episode.
Wrote a Christmas themed
ficlet earlier featuring Reindeer!Sam and Snowman!Dean in yonder crack ficathon challenge post. It's the little things that take my mind off the craziness of offline stuff. Oh, weekend and lovely people!