Just when I think the rosy glow of "new fandom omgz YAY11!!" has worn off, I am now approaching the stage where every friggin' movie I watch lately I remake in my head. Why? Why is this happening? It gets bad when it's classics, like Notorious or A Streetcar Named Desire (all right, I wouldn't want the plot. I just want an excuse for the post-fight/raining scene, because Dean tearing at his shirt in the rain screaming "Saaam!" is not that far off from actual canon). Then it happens for other movies, like really bad ones (All The Queen's Men -- WWII + spies + Eddie Izzard playing The Best Part Of The Entire Film + drag = should be joy, except the film is VERY BAD) or good comedies (Run Fatboy Run = oh, Simon Pegg, you've cornered the market on awesome).
The last bit, I blame on
abouttwoboys. And lack of new episodes.*hand wave* And everyone else coming up with all these film ideas for fics lately. You all realize you're enabling my film geek mind, right? JEEZ.
Here's some music I uploaded the other night. The first is a McCartney cover, the rest are 60's songs.
Star Collector - My Brave FaceThe Association - Never My LoveThe Moody Blues - Go NowThe Standells - Dirty WaterTommy James & The Shondells - Mony Mony