ten hours after everyone else.

Mar 03, 2008 19:36

...what, no more weekend? BLAH!

Had a fabulous time at cathybites birthday shenanigans and met some lovely LJ people and I apologize for any extreme dorkiness on my behalf. I also avoided schoolwork and am paying for that now with needing to write a paper tonight.

However, there were Good Things lately that I should focus on besides writing a stupid paper. As the subject line goes, hours after but cut me some slack, I was workin', yo.

- Happy Birthday dev_earl! I hope the bonus flailing today over various SPN things added to what I hope was a wonderful birthday!
- Some show got renewed, I don't remember which one. The one with the two guys. One's got bowlegs.
- Jared and Sandy at a basketball game. Happy! And gorgeous (HAIR. YES)! And hungover from Jensen festivities!
- In my utter craptastic ability to catch up with fic, I'm watching some interesting films at school and at home. Blowup (Yardbirds cameo! Beck! Page!) Camille, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, and The Pornographers this past week. Need to try and see the Best Picture nominees sometime this... year. Because...
- Javier Bardem is very attractive. Oh yes. (Now I have another reason to rewatch Before Night Falls besides Johnny.)
- keepaofthecheez and affectingly have started the SPN Fangirl Experience podcast, which is hilarious and filled with glee, recs, and... amazingly enough, SPN fangirl babble! (Gasp.) It's really cool, so go check out the first podcast if you haven't already.
- This icon? \o/

movies: blowup, jaredina, movies: the pornographers, movies: elizabeth - the golden age, movies: 2008, pimp, movies, random hot men, movies: camille, birthdays

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