Now for Alec. I like him enough that I have him in this happy place in my head, where I can watch old episodes and ignore plot holes and bad writing in order to... fast forward to every Alec scene. But he also occupies fits in with the 'no fandom' area in my head that Farscape, Office, and Doctor Who also fall into: the show is fine enough that I don't feel the need to read fic or do fandom-y things. (Farscape above all. John/Aeryn, man. You can't pass that.) Or DA falls into the rare category of: I like this character and am 'meh' about everyone else, can he be in more crossovers please? Which would be good if I read those. Hm.
Forget the babble, look at the pictures.
Oh Berrisford Agenda. This ep, Braniac, Hello, Goodbye (and Pollo Loco, yis) are the ones I watch the most. Jensen. You are brilliant, even if the wacky sepia coloring in the flashback sequences make me wanna stab somethin'. Piano and glasses make up for this choice.
At this point, we notice the fact that there are only a few caps from pre-Berrisford. Why, you ask? Because there is pre and post Berrisford Alec hair. Pre is fine, post (along with cooler Alec related plot lines) + FLIPPY HAIR/BITS AT THE ENDS = ...!!!
If I'm gonna watch old episodes, it's only natural that that kinda shit pops into my head. Perfect Jensen hair.
Second thought and my favorite episode for Alec caps might be 2x20, though I don't watch it that much. I love the brown leather jacket. It is possible to have a favorite capping episode and a favorite episode that are separate, right? I am odd about these things.
Finishing the jumping, wacky timeline, because no Alec capspam is complete without Hello Goodbye, red sweat pants and fake smiles. You can cut out the ridiculous fighting sequence from Freak Nation though. You know, the one where Logan saves the day and Alec is all o_O. Joy.
Pictures from
Desiring Jensen.
...and we're done. This has been your monthly dose of Alec. Carry on!
P.S. This post is entirely
bellanut's fault. ENTIRELY.