fact: mmt turned 40 years old yesterday. (p.s. bears. beets. battlestar galactica.)

Dec 27, 2007 14:11

This past Saturday I saw Sweeney Todd with regala_electra, raelala, booboosheep, & theredwepainted. I liked it a lot -- it was gory, and had so much of what I love. At least the 'so much' being Johnny, Tim Burton and... crazy weird stuff. The cinematography and set design were gorgeous, the acting and singing for the most part was too (Helena sounded too weak though) but it's a little hard to watch. I guess because of the ending for me and my weird thing about sad endings sometimes. Overall though, 'cause they cut out songs and stuff, it felt a little off. Once again, that could be because of the depressing vibe I got out of the ending (which DUH, that's the point) but I guess it was missing some humor that I needed or whatever. Eh, the last movie musical I loved was Phantom in '04, so take that for what you will.

But we are watching the 2001 1982 version for New Year's so maybe it'll fill in the gaps in my head. Or add more gaps because I'll be too busy sucking at Guitar Hero and doing horrible versions of Rocky Horror for karaoke. SCORE.

Between the DVDs, gift cards, socks, and TV viewings of robots and pirates, I managed to sneak in some writing for spn_holidays. The story'll be done soon. I took a peek at one or two stories for yuletide and !!! Ella Enchanted and the Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Stardust and Beatles RPS...! Fuck.

(Speaking of you-know-what band, this YouTube clip might be greatest thing ever invented.)

Off to write but before I do, I must flail because the story I received is all kinds of AMAZING.

Keep Our Minds on the Sum of Each Other by lazy_daze
(Sam/Dean, NC-17, ~9,700 words)

It is funny and hot and there is bodyswap. This is why I don't write rec posts because I suck at them, but it is gorgeous and hilarious so go and reaaad.

And then after that, go watch the trailer for My Name Is Bruce. Direct to DVD, I think. Cheesy and B-movie-ish, of course. Oh Bruce. ♥ I can't wait!

movies, movies: 2007, beatles, movies: my name is bruce, youtube is the devil, recs: spn, recs, movies: sweeney todd

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