spam for your thoughts (tom. dean. tom and dean.)

Dec 13, 2007 20:22

The biology behind this is sound and all, but why must my mouth & jaw hurt so much with a freakin' sinus infection? (Which I've never had, but so sayeth the doctor.) If I wasn't in so much pain, I'd make a dirty joke (obviously). Only MY FACE HURTS FROM LAUGHING.

regala_electra is partially to blame for that. Though now I have a great mental image for my spn_holidays assignment and this baby's gettin' done good.

Some random food for thought, as I watch 21 Jump Street to write a paper on police shows (my classes are enabling me this semester, I swear): [In response to any pranks being pulled on him]

"Well, I've called Jensen and Jared my second litter. I did 21 Jump Street with Johnny Depp, Peter DeLuise, Dustin Nguyen, and Steven Williams... so I had four kids back in 1986, and now I have two kids who are, what, 25 and 29, and they act like four year-olds. Every day I threaten to kill them both. They do nothing but have fun, but it's very hard to make them listen and pay attention. If you've even seen a Fellini movie, that's what the set is like. Everyone's nuts, and we have a great time. And I think that's why the work is as special as it is. It's long hours, but everyone enjoys everyone else's company. Jared and Jensen are full of pranks. They call me short, and, of course, I am short, and they're eight feet tall. It keeps morale up, we're constantly throwing barbs. That's how we get through it. It's not fun working in the rain, standing on a concrete sound stage 14 hours a day, and all the rest of it. The boys create a festive atmosphere." - Kim Manners (pg. 53)

Ahh, my heart. Second litter! AWW. As if I don't already love Kim for his SPN work, but he's done X-Files, Brisco County Jr. and 21 Jump Street, amongst others? ♥ I need a Kim icon. And a Fellini fic. ETA: Forgot to say that Kim directed Part 2 of the 21JS pilot.

I'm gonna refrain on posting quotes in the future 'cause after all, magazine's meant to be bought. ;) But I do suggest you pick up a copy of the magazine if you can.

Now to look through for Supernatural/21 Jump Street crossovers. I saw one the other day. Though I doubt it has Tom Hanson/Dean Winchester. Because Tom could be both Sam and Dean. Oh god. Why am I thinking about this? DAMNIT, MOUTH.

I think that show is on tonight. The one with the car, the two dudes, and the 'non existant until I see Ashley J. Williams tagging along and wieldin' one' chainsaws in the trunk? That one.

all work and no play, braiiinnsss!, tv: 21 jump street, supernatural, clawing motions, tv, johnny depp, cracktastic

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