let me count the ways...

Dec 09, 2007 12:20

So the Supernatural magazine's out, and I have succumbed in buying it (used to get the Angel ones, stopped for whatever reason I don't remember). Lots of catch up/summarizing stuff, boys being themselves...

And then, Kripke speaks, and I have a moment of, oh, yeah, that is why I love you.

"Number one on my wish list is Bruce Campbell. I want Bruce Campbell on this show. Originally we went after him to play the boys' father in the pilot, but he was unavailable. Now, every time a central hunter character comes up, we go after him. We went after him for the part of Gordon, but again he was unavailable, and now I think he's on a series, so he's really unavailable. Put Bruce Campbell on this show and I can die a happy man. But I can't just have him playing a doctor, I need him with a chainsaw fighting monsters. That's my goal."


Though I'm perfectly happy with the casting decisions (JDM as John, Sterling K. Brown as Gordon) but... Campbell, in some format? Would be fucking AWESOME. Don't think he'll go for a chainsaw but who the heck cares, Bruce Campbell + SPN = BEAUTY. Almost as good as a bodyswap ep. You were thinkin' about that too, don't lie.

There's also an interview with the boys, but it sounds like it's a little rehashed from previous interviews. Some good quotes in there though.

Padalecki's large dogs, Harley and Sadie, share his trailer with him on the set of Supernatural, and both he and Ackles toss them pieces of their steak dinner during the interview. "It's actually really remarkable," Padalecki says of the actors' strong bond. "It's made me nervous how much we get along. Because I'm like, man, one of these days, two dudes, working so close, it's going to blow up sometime."

Ackles can't believe they get along so well, either, and he jokes that it'd be better to split him and Padalecki up before they ruin it. "Yeah," he says, "I wish he'd get recast. I keep asking Eric Kripke to recast him -- he's just not working out." He grins, then says, "We have a lot of fun, and I'm glad that it was Jared who got the role of Sam."

Few more days until a new episode. A few more days...!

Right, maybe I can work on fluffandfold & spn_holidays stories today. Got my robe, got my hot cocoa, got my music, now just gotta see if any fic comes out!

glee all over, supernatural

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