pancakes, priestly, and padalecki.

Nov 27, 2007 22:45

There was fic last night!

By the Curves of Your Hips
(Jared/Jensen, NC-17, 4,215 words)
He’s worried that the hard life, long hours, are killing his body. Still, he can't help the slow burn of tension that can't uncoil even with Jared's efforts to keep Jensen from falling apart.

Turned out a little more angsty than I thought it would, but there's pancakes, sex, Jensen's insecurities and Relationship Issues™. Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in couldn't get absorbed into writing RPS... uh, more, this pops up. Yes, there is Jub-Jub. Besides the bucket 'o angst and insecurities these boys seem to be stuck in my head now for the time being. But like I said: pancakes! It was a nice challenge to set for myself and write.

Meanwhile, my regala_electra has written Dean/Priestly/Sam fic for MEEE because I demanded it needed to exist after the YouTube clip surfaced. I didn't even directly tell her; she went off and did it. IT'S LIKE EARLY CHRISTMAS.

he swallowed his pride and puckered his lips
(Dean/Sam/Priestly, NC-17, 1,315 words)
“You’re gonna give me a fucking heart attack,” Dean says and he’s not sure if he’s saying it to Sam or Priestly. “Sammy, you gonna fuck him now or what?”

AMAZINGLY hot sex (as per usual) and lovely, snarky, dirty dialogue -- smudged eyeliner and kilts and Sam's hair in his eyes and Dean being a dirty bastard-- go read before I fuck up as to how great this is. REG. Come ON. Leave some awesome aside for the rest of us! You know I can't be all COHERENT. *is owned, so well* Bowie title! ♥

I need to do other recs and finish other fics but have some Manbeast!Jared picspam in the meantime:

Hey guys? Remember when Jared looked like this?

Which was eee, cute, you know? And then he grew up?

...uh, physically anyway.


The following series of photos may or may not be called Stef's Gratuitous Reason To Post Pics From 2 Favorite Jared Photoshoots™. Or whatever the correct language is called, HI, I DON'T THINK PROPERLY WHEN FACED WITH THESE.

Manbeast!Jared = looks really fuckin' good, man. Although I have a soft spot in my heart for wee Pilot!Sammy but he is bigger and broader and that is how I like my Jared now, period. :D

picspam, jaredina, jub-jub, recs: spn, recs

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