grindhouse, turkey, assbabies, icons, and a meme.

Nov 23, 2007 01:31

Fact #1: I think I really love horror movies now. Not that I have given reviews lately because I suck (and because some of them do suck; watched Kairo on Tuesday and I fell asleep), but the sheer crazy/fake gore/horror movie tropes have made me love the genre as a whole. (Final paper for Film Horror class: The fandom of Rocky Horror with references to BtVS/AtS/SPN fandom. Do I bring out the incest paragraph?). Related to that, these posters look gorgeous. It's all in the focus.

I haven't seen House Of Wax yet though, because yesterday was Thanksgiving and gory horror movies + family + Paris Hilton = don't mix. There were pancakes for breakfast (!), later on we had turkey and... the other stuff (what? stuff besides turkey? And CAKE?) and then caught up on the first 6 S3 Bones episodes. That were all very gory. The beauty of Booth prevailed. Bones as Wonder Woman = ♥! OH, SUCH LOVE. I thought Booth was Clark by the commercials though; glad they snuck the reference in by the end of it. As a whole, it was a good day and I'm thankful for my family and you all!

I think we're gonna see Enchanted tomorrow today. Balancing the gore with the ~*~sparkly!~*~

Sneaking in the voicepost meme, last snagged off memphis86 because the option of torturing people with my bad voice doing impressions/answering questions/saying whatever the hell is more fun. Bah! GIMME.

Poll Ask away, all ye who enter here.

I make no excuse for any so-called New York accent getting in there. La la la. I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

Fact #2: Doing an icon related meme soon. You think going back to look at old fics is horrifying? Try looking at old icons. Lots of overuse of the blur tool. *kicks self*

Fact #3: Say, theoretically and stuff, one looks on Google Images for pictures of young actors that resemble Jensen Ackles for certain... theoreticalamish whatevers*, purposes. And then one finds this. His name is Chris Coghill, and he's British. *waits for UK fans to thwack me*

I blame the hair, eyes, pouty mouth, and.. LOOK AT HIM. Sam! And Dean!

* No, there's no assbaby story. I may be weird, but I'm not going there. But one day, oh, one day, we shall see.

Fact #4: Sometimes I stare at animated icons for minutes on loop. This one included.

tv: bones, supernatural, silly, movies, comparisons, movies: 2007, memes, tv, holidays, movies: kairo, iconning

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