fics and comms and things!

Nov 01, 2007 10:53

I managed to get stuff done this past month, and still have fics and layouts I owe to people so I need to work on those ASAP. But since I've been somewhat productive (YAAAAY. Yeah, I'm happy), mini fic round-up! :)

Ficlets - Appetizer & Too Long Since
(Appetizer - Sam/Dean; PG-13)
(Too Long Since - Jensen/Jared; R; future!fic)

In which there is pot pie (the first) and older!J2 (the second). I wear my kinks on my sleeve, clearly.


Bridge and Tunnel
(Sam/Dean; NC-17; 3,110 words)
It’s right up near the edge, bridge supports, dark shine of water lapping at them, at the rocks and right there, is where Dean pushes Sam, against the wrought iron railing and fence. Sam’s curiosity, Dean’s past, and a detour to New York City can only lead to one solution, which, thankfully, involves sex.

regala_electra managed to come back from winchestercon and add more, to which I am thankful because I'm still kind of o_O when it comes to writing porn. NYC location = gratuitous eeee.


Ben Has Two Dads Uncles
(Sam/Dean; NC-17; 11,000 words)
When Ben turns thirteen and learns that Dean Winchester is his father, he runs away to join his father (and uncle). A tale where boys are boys, Vikings are Vikings, unicorns go to Candy Mountains, Dean and Sam are in big gay love, and Ben becomes a Winchester.

Yes, big mutual lovefest here again but I love Reg's idea so much. I was happy to contribute the graphics because customized stuff pings me like you wouldn't believe. (And you know, gay parents + bearded AND Pudgy!Dean = so much win. Soooo much. I'm looking forward to helping out with the sequel wherein they are even more domestic and there's baking and PUDGE. You all read it here first. THAT'S RIGHT REG, I'M MAKING IT PUBLIC. DEAN W/ PUDGE COME HELL OR HIGH WATER.


Last night before I went to the Halloween Parade (so much fun! weird costumes! My girls! REG AS INDIANA JONES and me as John Lennon!), posted my spn_halloween story of crack and doom:

Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
(Sam/Dean; R; 12,850 words)
It’s Halloween, and the locals aren’t clued in to the fact that those things going bump in the night are much more than fabric and latex. Sam and Dean learn this fact the hard way as the clock winds down and a town’s about to be overrun by monsters.

The prompt being: “Someone is giving out Halloween candy that transforms kids and adults - anyone who eats it - into monsters. Sam OR Dean eats one of the candies and the other one has to cope.” which, guh, you all know me by now. There is candy, Dean being a pig (no, not that story, also, there's no beastiality in this one, or that one. What, I have to warn about those things!), boys being action-y and banter-y, gremlins, food, crazy driving, crazy mad scientists, penis metaphors, cemeteries, and some gore. Halloween! ♥

It's mostly a casefile fic (!) and it's been a while since I've done straight-up action/casefile stuff, so it was fun to write, especially the banter and all the Halloween/scary/horror/drama aspects. Horror movies = good influence. Plus, writing one of the Winchesters as a monster? Nnnnghh. (Sneaked in a graphic in there too, for visual aid!) ....yeah, story's long but I'm very happy about it. Again, eee, monster!Winchester! ...yes, I don't wanna spoil it!


Annnd that was my ramble. Before I forget, two new comms (that I managed to sneak in and make headers for, which yay, thank you, you lovely mods. Mmm, graphic-y goodness):

fluffandfold: domestic fic challenge for SPN and CW RPS! See! A CHALLENGE. That will motivate for fic! Which I expect LOTS and LOTS of, all right? Join and await the sign-up date!

jubjubfest: celebrating Pudgy!Jensen and/or Pudgy!Dean for the month of November. Yes, if we're insane, at least we're in good company. VERY good company. He's so squishy and cute, I love it so. Uh, expect one too many weird posts on my part for this month, including fic, because I will not pass up an awesome opportunity like this. (You can have NaNoWriMo, that's cool; me, I'll take NaNoJuJuMo quite happily).

Off to watch Re-Animator in class later and new SPN tonight. It's the little things that make me even dorkier than usual. ♥ ♥ ♥ *hugs*

fic round-up, jub-jub, pimp, supernatural, recs: comm, fic discussion

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