director's cuts, tv, demon babies, icons, and men in tights. you know, the usual.

Sep 29, 2007 01:06

I. Director's Cuts for SPN are up (spoilers, duh.)

Dean is such a DORK. I love it. I'd love having the context for the ep (because sometimes director's cuts = what the fuck is going on? It's like dailies, only, um, not like that whatsoever. Out of context. Yeah.) but I liked it a lot. Boy's got a year and there'll be ups and downs, gleeful to angsty in the span of minutes and I am all for that.

II. It'd be better if I had downloaded it (and I will, to watch on Fridays 'cause I sure as hell am more than preoccupied on Thursday nights) as the reception in my room sucks but my main thoughts consist of JIMANDPAMYAY and KEVIN with the PB&J. And Dwight killing Angela's cat. AND, most... weirdly? the fact that my crush on Steve Carrell grows by the day even though Michael annoys me half the time. I don't get it but he goes on Leno the other night and I made weird noises.

Oh, Jim. Oh, Jim without a shirt. And CREED. Not together though. 'cause that'd be weird. (Heh, every time I see those words in a sentence I imagine the default response to 'no slash, thanks'. But, JIM&PAM, that's why. Creed is so not 82 or whatever the hell they brought up.

I thought it dragged in parts because of the hour long format but it's new Office so I didn't care about that factor too much -- maybe if I rewatch it, I'll nitpick, but for now I'm good. Because of all the above and because Ryan didn't suck, as I thought he would (he was getting on my nerves in the last few episodes of S3).

III. Missed the Bones and Smallville premieres. Oops? I'll catch up. After I finish with Burn Notice because falling behind sucks but having a whole bunch of episodes to marathon AND Bruce Campbell is involved? GOOD.

This is why I don't watch TV shows. Because I forget when they're on half the time.

IV. Watched Rosemary's Baby for the first time for horror class. The devil/demon/impregnator dude reminded me of the Yellow Eyed Demon from Supernatural. That was the best part of the movie. The rest was fine and thrilling, though it would've been better had I not known a lot of the plot points. Thank you, assigned readings for spoiling me. Usually they ARE spoiler-y but they're required and... oh, what am I saying, THAT PART WAS COOL.

But I think we skipped the 'leaning to look at her in the other room' scene as we ran out of time, so that sucked. I'll have to rent it. Ruth Gordon was hilarious.

V. Via grrliz: The Icon Makers' Favourite Icons Meme! I'm here. (Note to self: more non-SPN. More, period.)

VI. Superman: Doomsday has come out (on the same day as SPN S2. This? Is why I forget) and this article on the Justice League film reminds me why I should sometimes ignore all signs of... upcoming... things. Upcoming things with tights involved.

Although there is a midnight screening of Rocky Horror tomorrow that I'll be going to with the usual suspects.

Upcoming things with superhero tights involved, then. That sounds fair.

wtf, tv: bones, tv: the office, supernatural, movies, movies: 2007, memes, tv: burn notice, movies: the rocky horror picture show, tv, dc comics, movies: rosemary's baby, tv: smallville, iconning

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