heroes and the boob tube.

Sep 25, 2007 01:20

My thoughts are not really thoughts because that would imply being coherent. The TV reception also sucks in my room so I couldn't pay attention to detail and will be downloadin' but I had to watch tonight before I get spoiled at work tomorrow ('cause I will. Such are annoying co-workers.)

Heroes: 2x01 - Four Months Later

  • That was a crazy boat load of slash.

  • Latino twins! Hetcest! I told regala_electra that all they need is to get some sisters. What? JUST LOOK. OKAY? OKAY. Glee!

  • Nathan looked really fucking attractive with the beard. Or I could just be revealing that I really love Adrian Pasdar now, all of a sudden. World tour started it, the fact that Nathan's getting like that over his missing brother? Mmmmm. Yeah, Kring's really good with us...

  • ...because Molly has two daddies and holy shit, THE FUN KEEPS ON COMING.

  • And NOAH BENNET. MORE LOVE. (And capslock, by the looks of things)

  • Hiro! David Anders! I had no idea what was going on because my reception crapped out! But David Anders is nice! So are exclamation points! (I'm giddy.)

  • No Nikki AND no Matt's wife. Bonus points, dudes. (Because I don't care about either plot line at all.)

  • It goes to show that I'm a little too eager/hyper for SPN that my first thought on seeing Peter with the flash lights on him was that he looked like Dean. Which makes no sense whatsoever but I'm missing Dean a lot.

  • I miss Peter's emo hair. New hair is fine. But the emo!hair was cute in its own emo-y way.

  • Most of all? Nathan and the freaky mirror thing. Was that burned!Nathan or burned!Peter? I couldn't tell. Friggin' TV. Either way though? SO FUCKING COOL. I need to wait for fic. Angsty and scarred! It makes me happy, you guys. *hangs head*

Watching TV as a show airs live (been a few weeks) reminds me that I shouldn't be able to talk in public as this happens because whoa, song montages at the end of shows, voiceovers, announcers, and promotional lines/slogans annoy the crap out of me nine times out of ten. "Best comedy of the year!" "Original. Breathtaking." "Dazzling!" "Grows hair on your chest."

That last one may or may not be true.

...Now I have to watch Willow.

tv: heroes, kink!, tv

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