across the universe (sounds very enticing)

Sep 17, 2007 23:10

Across The Universe

I liked it. There were some parts that bugged the crap out of me, some parts that weren't handled well, but overall, I liked it -- it's a movie related to the Beatles, and it'll go in my DVD collection regardless of anything because I am sad that way. (See In His Life: The Life Of John Lennon & Two Of Us for 'fine' examples of Beatle-y films. eBay, baby.)

  • I think my main dislike was certain handling of songs for the sake of it being Beatles related and thus shoved into the film. The entire audience started laughing at Prudence singing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" because of the strange slow-mo football wrestling ballet in the background. Prudence's character as a whole was pretty pointless for other than having an excuse to stick in "Dear Prudence" VERY CLUNKILY into the movie.

  • It's hard to cheer on Jude/Lucy (I didn't understand the big deal about her?) when Jude/Max is screaming in my face. "Hey Jude", man.

  • JoJo was AWESOME. I wanted to hear him sing more. His and Sadie's songs were some of my favorites.

  • I think this movie required a complimentary packet of LSD to be fully enjoyed. Hell, when we got there, there were already a couple hundred people on line, lots of college age kids and a mad rush to seats. It would've made me feel better. Also, the sound was muffled. Stupid theater. I want blasting surround sound.

  • Bono sounded wonderful on the soundtrack and his songs are my favorites but I hated the way "I Am The Walrus" was presented in the film. Sometimes the far-out, trippy sequences or stage-like presentation was fantastic, but other times when that presentation wasn't there, I missed it. For instance, "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" and "Happiness Is A Warm Gun" were two of my favorite sequences but then others were a little boring in comparison.

    Granted, you can't have full blown choreography for each song, but... meh. Like "Revolution" -- Jude just going into the office and throwing things made me cringe, but that might be the embarrassment factor, I don't know.

  • I have a tendency to write 'wonderfuk' instead of 'wonderful'. Freudian slip.

  • "Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite" reminded me of MirrorMask.

  • A lot of the movie sometimes felt like scenes strung together for the sake of songs (reminds me of GoF, except substitute songs with plot. Actually, substitute the plot with songs in that movie and maybe I'd enjoy it more.). Like the whole "let's travel to California for no apparent reason other than we are very high and end up singing in some great big group orgy in the grass and then maaagically cut to months later so we don't have to explain the acid trip!" part.

    I wonder how much truth there is to the rumors that the studio did another cut without Julie Taymor's input. Because I can see how something like that might've happened.

  • I have a girlcrush on Salma Hayek.

  • The rooftop concert made me snort. I think I've watched too many homage/parodies to take another one seriously. Girls, you cannot sing "love love love" and expect the cops to avoid arresting you. The Beatles had to go and so do you.

  • Dear Jim Sturgess,

    You were perfect. Songs, acting, and... and perfect. Just. You rocked, dude.


    P.S. eee!

All this Beatle movie talk reminds me about some recently released & upcoming films to look out for with Beatle related things:

Chapter 27 (already released) -- Film about John Lennon's killer. The subject matter and the fact that Lindsay Lohan is batshit insane does not motivate me to see it.

I'm Not There (November 21) -- Cate. Christian. Beatles cameo.

Walk Hard (December 21) -- Beatles cameo.

True Story #1: I never got the appeal of wing!fic. You'd think I would 'cause I love the crack!fic. I blame this on the fact that my transformation kink runs to the more creepy, less pretty side. That said, I had a yearning for it while plotting my spn_halloween story. Don't think I'll put it in but after researching? I think I get it.

Here. Have some J2. True Story #2: One of my favorite photoshoots of 'em. Can you guess why?! *hands!*

I think I might be missing one or two of the photos there. Probably Jared ones. But that's because Jared looks like he just woke up. After a long night of sex. Don't worry Jared, I still love you. ♥

picspam, j2, movies, movies: across the universe, movies: 2007, fic discussion

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