they make my heart go ping.

Sep 11, 2007 21:18

Once I got home after an unbearably long day of classes and work (carrying around the DVD set since 10 AM? TEMPTATION.), the first thing I watched was the IMTOD commentary.

I'm sure the transcript or proper quotes'll pop up shortly but there's that part when they talk about magic network cream that maaagically removes all wounds/blemishes (Shadow, I'm looking at you) and Jared going on about applying it every night to Jensen's face before he went to bed, Jensen jumping in with "a kiss on the forehead" and Kim Manners concluding with a comment about the boys going a little too deep/much? The yelp that came out of me, it was heard for miles. OH, BOYS. ♥!

Kim Manners is already made of pure awesome for directing 7 Brisco County Jr. episodes besides the whole finding Wincest stories and showing them to the boys thing. HEH.

The commentary was fine -- kinda liked the back and forth banter of the Phantom Traveler commentary BUT I do not care, this is something and that something is really cool. :) ETA: D'oh, still have other commentaries to listen to as well! Five day weekend though. Breakin' in the DVD player. Good idea!

I'm almost at the end of reading the SPN tie-in novel, Nevermore. This is my happy place! I am a sucker for tie-in novels. Even if they suck, I still like new 'canon' and something to read while traveling. Got all the AtS ones. Some of my favorites include the BtVS Gatekeeper trilogy and Spike & Dru: Pretty Maids All In A Row. I still look to those for adventure/case/dark story ideas and the outline of a long story sort of thing. When I heard there would be an SPN tie-in, I was excited. Then I found out that it was set in the Bronx.

I live in the Bronx.

My glee cannot be contained.

Seeing familiar places and street names and how Dean just hates driving around and omg Fordham University! Bronx Zoo! (that I live less than a mile away from!). Some of the commentary about the Bronx is spot on and the boys would stick out like a sore thumb (which may have provoked a drunken with love IM to regala_electra on how I could play tour guide but end up half-clinging/half-sitting on Sam's leg. Uh.) It's a fun read, ignoring certain little details (i.e. the boys' eye colors, Dean being called 'brushy-top' -- uh, who actually would say that? And Dean calling Sam 'Sammich'? I've seen that in fic once in a while? Apparently my gripe here is names. Heh. Except for Sam giving Dean John Wayne's actual name as an alias while they're investigating) and some descriptions about people. But it's enjoyable.

Sam visiting the Edgar Allan Poe cottage totally is my new happy place and rewrites the previous cottage memory of being asked to go there on a date. Romantic, eh? I have to say, my knowledge of Poe is a little more than Dean's (i.e. I saw that Simpsons episode.)

The book satisfies my 'Sam and Dean in New York' thing. For a little bit. (Though that thing would most likely result in 'Sam and Dean in New York, in the Bronx eating a lot of Puerto Rican food because it makes Dean happy in his tummy'. Pernil sandwich. Dean would love it. All I'm sayin'.)

This Sam/Dean love post is also my happy place. [pimp] spn_gleeweek: fannish geeking out over SPN while counting down to S3. Go & join if you haven't already! [/pimp]

I signed up for spn_halloween! The prompts are so awesome, you guys. I'm so excited I could throw up. Which I will in about five minutes when I realize I have signed up and that means writing a story besides reading all the others.

I feel all productive today. I think it's a DVD high. Or how awesome the Across The Universe soundtrack is, I don't know. HAPPY. AND PRODUCTIVE! \o/

pimp, supernatural, books

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