Title: Supernatural, Double Feature (The Winchester Horror Picture Show)
regala_electra &
ignitedMovie Adapted:
The Rocky Horror Picture ShowGenre: SPN, slash, het
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Sam/Frank, Dean/Frank, Sam/Columbia
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,000
Warnings: Explicit sexual situations and language. Corsets, makeup, thigh-highs, garter belts, impossibly high heels. Oh, and singing.
Summary: A Supernatural remake/remix of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. “This is a record of how these boys were laid astray. How they’re still screwing to this day.”
Notes/Credits: Spoilers for general S2, set post AHBL Part 2
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended; fair use only. Not created for profit. 95% of the lyrics taken from RHPS, modified when necessary to the whim of the authors.
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“This is a record of the Winchesters, Sam and Dean, only two Winchesters left on this mortal coil, damn fine hunters, and how a simple case went south, nothing more than that.” )