...pushes the pleasure button until it dies. (or falls asleep?)

Aug 15, 2007 01:26

Things That Are \o/-worthy:

- Having yummy Korean BBQ this past weekend with raelala, regala_electra, vorpal_pen, & winter_baby, then going to see Stardust. Loved it, even if it wasn't perfect -- enough to write wacky Sam/Dean crossover fic because Dean's totally a freaking star, yo.

- And then my Reg had to go and write smutty Sam/Dean sequel fic here. Sequel! Banter! Smut! Sex in a cloud! (So not kidding. YAY.)

- For the two people who haven't already seen Jared climbing Jensen like some gigantic, dorky tree monkey going "PONY! PONY!" and Jensen all ::shrug:: "Yes. Pony.", well, there you go. Oh, it is glorious. As is this entire post, omg.

- The epilogue meme which is cute. I'm here.

- Via teffy: Fan made Shrieking Shack short film. The film student in me is making embarassing 'rock on!' hands.

- Have been updating that old SPN bodyswap & genderswap post from a while ago; it's up to 70+ fics. OH, FANDOM. ::draws hearts:: ♥!

- Some music that got left out of the 7 songs post:

Ruby & The Romantics - Our Day Will Come
Zager & Evans - In The Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)

ETA: My night is complete. Fiiiic. Uh, Jared/Jensen, hard R, FYI. Based off this. IT IS. I CAN'T HELP IT. Also very \o/-worthy. Dude, see, if it was stuff like that I'd consider friending spnstoryfinders, except um, all the posts asking for non-con and yeah, that's uh, no.

movies: stardust, music, jaredina, smeckles, kink!, movies, movies: 2007, links, memes, j2, recs: spn, youtube is the devil, recs

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