shiny random picspam! provenance.

Aug 10, 2007 22:30

Rewatched this episode at my grandma's house because always putting on Hell House by 'less scary' quotient default can get old (for her; for me, I could watch that episode on loop, man, prank wars = FTW). So I popped in Provenance and wow, I think I really do love the episode a lot. Because Sam's so inherently SAM-ish and dorky cute. Matchmaker!Dean and Sarah. Gotta look for Sam/Dean/Sarah fic. It exists, I know it does, looks like another excuse to sift through for recs! \o/

Haven't done a picspam in forever. Noticed a lot of things in the episode that I hadn't the first time, and that way leads to madness this...way... thing. Post. Thing.


Dean groggily waking up. CHIN.

Thus we continue with kink #747263: Dean eating. I will never get tired of watching that boy eat. Especially when he's annoying his brother while doing it. Look at his face in the second picture. Okay, so it's in the middle of an eye blink but AHAHAHA, it makes me laugh.

Dean: We're not gonna go anywhere until we have sex.
Sam: You're not serious.
Dean: Would these eyes lie?

Okay, lame, but yay for full body shots and Dean's hands are near his hips. He looks all huffy. Cute!

Hiiii. He's so awkward and cute, I love it. Must point out though that it's lighting like this -- or at least, the way the cap came out -- that lead the way to Sam's "chocolate brown eyes" in fanfic. Hazel. They're hazel. Not brown. NO CHOCOLATE 'ORBS'.

Their shirts! Sam's all leaning back and his forearms/hands make me happy. I like Dean's shirt a lot. Dean looks good throughout the episode though, 'cause clothing wise, nice shirt here and short sleeves later. \o/

Dean's being SNEAKY. His face in the background. Sarah winks at him when he goes. I miss Sarah. She was cool. I liked her!

Dean laughs at the book dealer...dude... person's lame joke, and Sam gives him this look. Brothers. Oh, boys.

Long shots = made of win.

The banter. Dean trying to prod Sam and then Sam just scratches the back of his head like he does when he's nervous. Dean cracking an eye open while Sam's talking on the phone awkwardly. Dean's little smile when he leans back on the bed, satisfied. Plus, forearms. There is no wrong here.

Dean: "Marry that girl."

Or just have a threesome. It solves all problems.

Yeah, it's a moot point to point out how hot Sam looks like in this episode, but his hair from Shadow on through the rest of S1 is my favorite era of Sam hair. If there's such a thing. Sarah's so pretty. Dean is a dork of the matchmaking agenda!


Sam needs to wield crowbars more often. Or break down doors. Or just wear shirts that are tight across his shoulders and chest. Uh, so you can't really see his shirt here, but just go with the flow, man.

CUTE. Hmm, Dean/Sarah? I could go for that.

Let us pause and appreciate the Kissing Technique of Sam Winchester. Hands. And leaning close. I love the way that boy kisses. The way he's into it, y'know? I can't describe it; I'll go back to staring instead.
Caps from bunny_icons!

picspam, supernatural, sam winchester, picspam: supernatural

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