supernatural - 2x22: all hell breaks loose part two

May 17, 2007 23:05

  • AGHHHHAAAAHHHHH. Just needed to make that clear.

  • Okay, so I was spoiled for this episode. Not as spoiled as I was for the first part -- I saw the promo pics for part two, and knew about JDM and heard a rumor about Something Evil, and... okay, what the fuck am I rambling about, EPISODE.

  • This was basically the slashiest episode EVER hands down, and that's saying something after I was all broken from The He's Not Dead, He's Just Resting Hug from All Hell Breaks Loose Part One.

  • Carry On My Wayward Son as a montage! Oh, show. Parallel to Devil's Trap! Just that, showing just that killed me, and then I kind of went "Oh fuck fuck, FUCK NO!" at the Crossroad Blues part (which, ha, good on cursing in front 'o the parent). See, the Something Evil I had read? Was Dean's deal. To which I have pros and cons.

    Con: Um, bit repetitive to do the one year, likely season finale death thing when you just had S2 finale be about death. Sam's death S2, what, Dean's in S3? Two leads does not equal one getting killed off (unless they replace him with um. ::thinks:: Insert Cute Actor Here. Which is just impossible, so. Yeah.)

    Cut me some slack, man, my brain's all broken.

    Pro: So if Dean's made this deal for one year and Sam basically smacks Dean upside the head with the 'you just don't get it, you're my big brother, I'd save you too you idiot' does this mean we'll be getting Protective!Sammy for S3? If so, I say HELL YEAH. Damn, that'll be a head trip for Dean. Quarter century protectin' his brother and what the hell, it's the other way around. Not that Sam hasn't been protective of Dean before (he has, obviously, Faith, In My Time Of Dying, etc.) but... just. God. I can't wait.

  • So we get the "Oh, Dean!" feeling back this week, and that's never a bad thing. Not when he feels like his heart's been ripped out and stomped on and mulched. Poor Bobby though. Dean can't see straight, he's too hurt. Just the little "Please" he adds after pushing Bobby just. Gah.

  • Oh, Jake. Don't be stupid.

  • I have a love/hate relationship with the way Dean's been feeling this season. Like a screw-up. Guy's been fucked up in a way by having to be the Big Brother/Protector/Semi-Mom to Sam for the majority of his life, and you take that away and he doesn't know how to function. When he started to talk about Sam when he was little it was so easy to just think about happier moments and how he's probably going over all his life in his head, from Sam being a baby, pulling him out of the fire and here's where it ends, in another room, in another bed.

    ETA: I can't believe I forgot. Dean talking about Sam asking questions! This ties into the Supernatural: Origins comic! They're bringing the comics in! I LOVE THIS SHOW, SO VERY MUCH.

  • Dean, I love you, but doing deals is NEVER. A. GOOD. THING. One year. You heroic idiot.

  • Sam trying to look at his back wound = a;sldkfj!! ...Yeah, I got a back fetish, what of it? Um. Scar? Please? Whaaaat.

  • Annnd we get a hug that doesn't involve death! AWESOME!

  • [Random] Boys eating! Dean telling Sam to rest! It's like fic, only with EXTRA PAIN AFTER! [/Random]

  • I cannot love Bobby any more than humanly possible. THANK YOU, BOBBY. Thank you for telling Dean he's being an idiot. That he needs to get his head out of his ass and realize he's not a screw-up, he's a hunter, a damn good one, a hero, and okay, so yeah, he can't let Sammy die but. It needed to be said.

    Jensen's acting throughout this episode is more top-notch than normal. 'cause it's always great but this episode. The little quick smirk he gives Bobby, tries to make light of the situation.

  • So let's see -- Dean lies to Sam about bringing him back to life; Sam lies to Dean about the full content of his dream, most importantly Mary knowing the YED and Sam having demon blood. By the end of the episode, Sam finds out from Dean. But Sam didn't tell Dean the truth. OOOH. What tangled lies we weave, boys. Tangled.

  • The cemetery reminded me of BtVS. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. But the crypt was awesome and oh, they're all screwed now, aren't they?

  • Sam killed Jake! That PART. My god. At first I thought the twist would be that Sam turned evil or came back evil, but then he basically knows Dean made this deal when Jake says he killed him. He knows this, and in shooting Jake he's doing it not only because Jake killed him, but Jake more or less killed his brother as Dean had to make this deal to bring Sam back. Still, thought his eyes would flash yellow like Baby!Sammy last week. More Evil!Sam in S3, please?

  • "How sure are you that what you brought back is 100% pure Sam?" And then we cut to Puppy!Sam. I hate you, show, for loving you so much. ARGH.

  • Dean killed the YED. And it was beyond fantastic. Oh my God. They didn't draw it out. He killed him. And John helped. And John was so proud of his boys. That's when the ep ruined me, those smiles. After all they've gone through and Dean, protector of the family, finally does it. Good boy. "Well, check that off the To Do list."

    Good bye, YED. You were kind of snarky, funny, and hot. What? Don't judge me.

  • Dean: "That was for our mom, you son of a bitch." ...god, I'll just quote the rest of the episode, it's so wonderful.

  • Dean tries to cover up the truth and Sam just stands straight, all towering, trying to get answers. ♥ Looove.

  • Dean: "I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job."
    Sam: "What do you think my job is?"
    Dean: "What?"
    Sam: "You save my life, over and over. Man, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Now I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change."

    I wonder if this is the twist Jensen talked about at Asylum. (Jensen: "I'm interested to see where they go with season three because this season ends on a really weird twist of a note..." You can read more of what he said at the con here.)

  • Dean: "We've got work to do." Parallel to the end of the pilot! S3, here we come!
So S3. Sam protecting Dean for a change. An army of demons out there. A war. I cannot wait.

Also, while we're at it, and 'cause I've been seeing it everywhere lately in wishes for S3 wise, you guys know what I'm gonna say for wishing for an episode:

Bodyswap episode.


Who's with me? Bring it on, baby. Bring it ON!

I am not writing Steffy's Very First Little SPN Fic Of Porn because regala_electra demanded it. Okay, so I am, about time too, it's been since January. Um. Just blame her, otherwise she'd write some kinda freaky deaky Sam being hauled off by a male eagle and Dean angst fic. With eggs. You see what I have to deal with? She just puts these thoughts into my brain. Between you and me, I think she's using me as a scapegoat for her to post as much crack fic as possible. Tsk tsk.

supernatural: recap, supernatural

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