Sep 25, 2009 21:22
When was the last time I posted? It's been too long. I'm working at Regence now, I sort mail. Actually, I just watch a big machine sort mail and make sure it doesn't get sick.
Joelene's been well. She's doing better now. I just hope she's getting enough sleep.
List of things Amelia can do:
Stand up with support
Jump up and down
sort of say "cat" and "dog
Say "dadadadadadada" for hours on end
Scream real loud
Hold her own bottle
High five
That's not everything...I don't know. I'll update it when I can remember
I'm sitting here with a fresh pot of coffee, PC speakers plugged into my iPod. Listening to that full Korn discography I just got. Had to toss out anything made after 2004. And it's 9:30.
Chatting on AIM with my best friend; something I haven't done in too long.
I sort of wish that everything could go back to the way it was four years ago, except I want to keep my age and my family.
I don't feel good about the direction the internet has gone. I wish someone overseas would massively DDOS myspace and facebook. It should just be livejournal, xanga and a ton of random angelfire, geocities and tripod pages.
I got banned from Odyssey, by the way. Remote didn't want to fill my year-old order and I threatened to file a dispute on paypal to get my $ back and he banned me.
I wanna make my own online game. I want wanna to be in the dictionary.
Actually I'm in the process of making my own online game. Should be nifty. Can't wait till it's finished.