Cross-posted from FA. This is a bit of shameless plug...But it is desperate.
My graphics tablet has died this evening. Myself and
stevolteon have tried everything we can think of that might be wrong including taking it to pieces. It seems to be beyond help. =(
At this point in time I can't afford to replace it, and there's very little chance of replacing it in the near future. The rough cost of a new one of equivalent performance is around $250/£150. Being that I'm saving everything I have for a morgage which is very near on the horizon I can't afford to splash out that much money on anything, even something as vital as a graphics tablet.
So I've decided, in an effort to raise the money needed for a new one I'll be taking sketch commissions for $10 a piece. These will be HEADSHOTS/BUSTS ONLY, not full body. Mainly due to time constraints with work I could never promise a fast turnaround for full body sketches. Headshots though I can get through quickly.
Idealy I'd need 25 to reach my goal but I'm happy for anything anyone can give. Even if only one person wants one I'll still be a tiny bit closer to affording a new tablet.
I hate begging. I don't want a handout from anyone. But I am willing to work for it. So if anyone can spare ten bucks for a sketch from me I'd be eternally grateful.
If you'd like one please comment here with references or send me a note.
Payments through paypal only please.
Please state your name on LJ/FA in the payment comments when sending payment so I know who you are. =)